Hillary lets children ask her questions — for $2,700 apiece!
Maybe the media should pose as children with a stacks of 27 $100 bills in little their outstretched hands so they, too, can have an audience with the queen.
The New York Times revealed in the 21st paragraph of a Saturday story that while it’s now been 23 days since Hillary Clinton last held a press conference, one group of nonvoters is getting to quiz her, given they have a wad of cash to hand over:
For a donation of $2,700, the children (under 16) of donors at an event last month at the Sag Harbor, N.Y., estate of the hedge fund magnate Adam Sender could ask Mrs. Clinton a question. A family photo with Mrs. Clinton cost $10,000, according to attendees.
If you have a rather precocious 15 year-old and a wad of spare wampum sitting around, this might be a bargain--ASSUMING the questions aren't screened in advance.
Geez, no wonder Hillbillary is out of touch.
When even FOX isn't carrying this story, you have to question its validity.
I posted it on my Alt-Right Survivalists blog so it IS true.
I concede.
I am not prepared. I will have to get a second job and then have or adopt some brats.
Thanks for posting this. I was saying this morning how disgusted I was at HC. She is spending almost all of her time wooing big $ campaign INVESTORS and providing almost no time for actual people who vote.
She's either arrogant and self-assured taking her popularity for granted or she's purposely trying to lose. Whatever that may be, the feeling of repulsion I have for her grows daily and soon will eclipse the disgust I have for Trump. Today @ 2:00, I'm going to see Bernie Sanders speak and I'll be proudly wearing my Sanders 2016 T-shirt with #nevertrump #neverhillary on the back.
For a donation of $2,700, the children (under 16) of donors at an event last month at the Sag Harbor, N.Y., estate of the hedge fund magnate Adam Sender could ask Mrs. Clinton a question. A family photo with Mrs. Clinton cost $10,000, according to attendees.
If he hadn't ejected a crying baby and its mother from one of his rallies, he might have had some good fodder here.
That's a hell of a bargain compared to what the Wall Street crowd pays for an audience with "Her Majesty".
I think I'd put that in their college fund, better use of the money.
Shelling out $2700 so you can either ask a predetermined question or to ask a question she'll only answer with outright lies seems pretty wasteful.
I think it's still be worth it to have the chance to ask if she bumped off Vinnie (Foster) for being her baby daddy. :-)
It's either true or it isn't. Source is irrelevant. :-)
"Facts? We don't need no stinkin' facts!"
Besides, everyone knows the NYT is a right wing rag. LOL!
Adopt. No sense in having your own. They'll just break your heart. :-)
Oh, my! An apostate! Call the guy with the scimitar! LOL!
(And your welcome! :-))
IKR!? :-)
I had my postate check a year a go and it was healthy as a horse.
Most of the time they just pay to read a pre-selected question off a card though.
....He says...until he wakes up tomorrow having to bust a gut to fill up a thimble. :-)
Remember, a whack a day keeps the urologist away. :-)
Quit mucking up my fantasy. :-)