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His peeps don't mind his abysmal IGNORANCE, LYING, MISOGYNY,ABUSE OF WOMEN or that he SLEEPS WITH THE ENEMY. What would they mind?

If he didn't appoint Extreme right-wing Nationalist judges or stopped trying to shut down a woman's rights over her own body. Add to that if he showed any humanity with regard to asylum seekers. They would drop him like a hot potato.

Isn't their patriotism and godliness amazing? Their caring and joyful support of their fellow citizens? We bow down to them for their goodness their rightness their perfection.

Posted - July 6, 2019


  • 4624
    They'd mind if he suddenly abandoned the Republican agenda.
      July 6, 2019 10:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
     Yes. They are truly awesome caring loving Homo SAPS aren't they? Thank you for your reply bw and Happy Saturday! :)
      July 6, 2019 10:54 AM MDT

  • 4624
    What really gets my goat with conservatives is the hypocrasy.
    I didn't get it for a long time.
    I couldn't understand how Christians could: 
    lack compassion for South American and other refugees seeking asylum,
    support a gun lobby that results in the massacres of children and the sales of arms to genocidal countries,
    not recognise the contribution of fossil fuel emissions to global warming,
    support and promote social inequality, infringements of human rights, lack of respect for women, and racism.

    But your son's friend, Old School, explained it to me once - via a video lecture by an academic who had worked it out.
    Christians fall into two broad groups which are based on personality types.
    One type respects authority - needs it for a feeling of security and continuity. These are the ones who are attracted to conservative theologies, fundamentalism with its godly hierarchies and patriarchy, and conservative politics. They are often white supremacists hiding the worst of their racism behind masks of duplicity. They value unconditional loyalty to a leader.
    The other type is egalitarian. They are more interested in the New Testament's teachings of loving others as oneself, compassion, equality before the eyes of God, and caring for God's Earth and its natural balances (not literally created in 7 days but evolved through laws of physics determined by Him). These Christians vote Dem. They give loyalty to the leader when it is deserved on merit.

    This post was edited by inky at July 7, 2019 7:46 AM MDT
      July 6, 2019 11:28 AM MDT

  •   July 6, 2019 11:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Old School was always very good at explaining things. He was a teacher among his other jobs and loved it and was very good at it. It's so kind of you to remember him and bring him up m'dear. It's hard to comprehend how any "human" being could possibly tolerate the sb prez much less admire respect love worship and defend him. But there are MILLIONS of them. And so that's part of life that is now and always will remain a mystery to me. Maybe later on in an afterlife if such there be all mysteries will revealed. Until then it's a peculiar queer and sinister fact. Thank you for your reply bw! :)
      July 7, 2019 4:21 AM MDT

  • 46117

      July 6, 2019 11:37 AM MDT

  • 46117
    How about the enemy he sleeps with?   THE WOMEN, I mean.  They hate him eventually, they all know how he treats women, so he is a cash cow to them.  COW being the operative word.  

    Look at Stormy Daniel's depiction of him.  She was a porn star and a stripper.  Even she had contempt for him and hoped he would put her on The Apprentice so she slept with him.  She was revolted but did it as a business venture.  That is what his presence has come to be to women everywhere and yet he has his wife looking adoringly at him in public.  That is not faked.  Or she is on some HAPPY PILLS I would fear to get my hands on lest I turn into a bot.

    I digress.

    He has spit upon every woman alive except Ivanka because he sees her as a female version of him.  Ivanka is HIM.  She is a young beautiful version of his image in his MIND.  She is a feckless CNT.  Samantha Bee was SPOT on.  

    He spits on women and the ones that get involved with him have deserved everything he did to them.  Ivana was just like him, a Nazi white woman.  That second one was a gold-digging slu+  The third one, mELANIA,  same thing.  But even stupider.  
    And all the mistresses?  One stupider and sluttier than the last one.

    And the women he attacks?  UNATTAINABLE and he hates them and that is why he comes at them with such violence.

    VIOLENT RAPIST.  And women who sleep with him?  They are the ones sleeping with the enemy. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 7, 2019 12:02 PM MDT
      July 6, 2019 11:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The women the sb prez sexually abused or consensually screwed are of no consequence to me. They have NO POWER over us. It is the despot dictator extreme white nationalist racist FASCISTS he sleeps with that are the danger. Different strokes Sharon. I think zero about the women. I'm occupied 24/7 with the men over whom he swoons and sucks up to and compliments and adores and chooses over his own Intelligence agents..his own country's American Citizens. You worry about whomever you wish. Thank you for your reply.
      July 7, 2019 4:25 AM MDT