Do you not admit you are the enemy of truth for branding it "the enemy of the people". How can one be so completely unaware of the ramifications of what he says/does? Oblivious to everything all the time. Not a good sign.
It is alarming how obtuse one can be not realizing that what he accuses others of being/doing telegraphs his FEARS more clearly than anything else he does/says..
It is not the mark of a confident man but the hallmark of a frightened adolescent whose ability/competence/confidence is woefully less than.
If we are referring to the Press ... I could easily claim that (in general) they ARE "the enemy of the people".
Here's an example:
The "protests" in Hong Kong. Where is the truth in the press reporting there? There is NO MENTION that the "protestors" are being choreographed by western interests, in order to disrupt/distract China.
Another example:
Does anyone REALLY believe the "Arab Spring" wasn't choreographed by outside agitators? Where is the press coverage of that?
No. The press has long been used by politicians to press their agenda. And the press is usually aware of this, and cooperates with deceiving the American People. I don't know how that doesn't make them our enemy.