Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Is there someone in your life who always believed in you?

Is there someone in your life who always believed in you?

And did knowing they had faith in you give you confidence?  

Posted - July 12, 2019


  • 14795
    My parents and both sets of grand parents....my extended family and close friends ,who I live with ,some old ABers and maybe a mugger or two...:) 
      July 12, 2019 3:41 PM MDT

  • 44507
    Not my whole life, but there a few here that do.
      July 12, 2019 5:50 PM MDT

  • 10052
    My mom did, and I think that it did. 
      July 12, 2019 11:22 PM MDT

  • 952
    Yes and it doesn't just give confidence, it comes with a great responsibility!
      July 13, 2019 12:46 PM MDT

  • 3523
    Really?  How so?  I didn't have that so I don't know.
      July 13, 2019 7:01 PM MDT

  • 952
    You must be kidding!
      July 14, 2019 2:26 AM MDT

  • 3523
    My mother loved me but was mentally ill, so I didn't think of her as a good judge character or abilities.  She died when I was 15.  My father was absent.  My Grandmother encouraged me to become a big shot saying, "You have what it takes."  But she never held a job in her life so what could she have know about that?  I guess I should say I had no supporters that I believed in.
      July 15, 2019 12:08 PM MDT

  • 952
    You certainly has a struggling life in your childhood but that must have helped you become a what you're today!
      July 15, 2019 12:50 PM MDT

  • 137
    I have been given to understand God has always believed in me.
      July 16, 2019 8:49 AM MDT