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Well, it has been THREE WHOLE YEARS since THE PROMISE. Where is that WALL? Is it almost finished?

Posted - July 13, 2019


  • 10945
    Maybe Trump did the math and figured Wall = Less children to put in cages so now he figures a wall is no good to him. Cheers and happy weekend!
      July 13, 2019 9:40 AM MDT

  • 46117
    My favorite part is how they WILL NOT let anyone in besides PENCE.  

    No Democrats are allowed. No members of Congress.  Just the LIAR who will deny everything.  

    The STENCH from the PEN where 350 men are held captive in FLORIDA is so bad from no baths for 40 days?  That the guards need to wear gas masks.  
      July 13, 2019 9:42 AM MDT