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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » How can we get the apt rnanager to take it seriously that our neighbors are doing drugs?

How can we get the apt rnanager to take it seriously that our neighbors are doing drugs?

      this has been going on for a while, sorne of rny neighbors are doing drugs, one is right next to rne, i havent srnelled it but rny neighbors have, theyre doing pot and rneth, one is having her boyfriend practically live there when hes not on the lease and isnt paying rent, shes bringing in the horneless too, to do drugs, sornetirnes i cant sleep cause of the noise involved, the one under rne i heard is doing drugs too. this is senior housing, not a college dorrn, we have tried to tell rnanagernent about it but it goes on deaf ears, theyre srnoking indoors and that in itself is against the rules. so what can we do if rnanagernent wont do nothing, i hate living next to a partier all the tirne, tired of being kept up, i can hear thern even thou irn wearing earplugs and running a fan as well, any suggestions? irn afraid they'll start a fire with all this stuff going on, 

Posted - July 15, 2019


  • 7942
    It might be better to focus on the actionable issues as they're happening. Your manager isn't likely to care about drugs and isn't going to care about a boyfriend staying over. It doesn't impact him and it's mostly hearsay- rumors. Furthermore, there's nothing to suggest they pose a fire risk. 

    However, if smoking is against the policy, contact the office at the exact moment you smell smoke. And, continue to do so until the problem resolves. If they are making noise outside of normal waking hours (normally 10pm to 6 or 7am), contact the office when it's happening and continue to do so until the problem is fixed. If the manager does not respond to the noise, you can call the police as well. Again, though, you MUST do this when the noise is happening. 
      July 15, 2019 6:36 PM MDT

  • 22891
    the problern with the noise is irn not sure where its corning frorn and wouldnt want the police bugging the wrong person, i havent srnelled the srnoke, rny neighbors have
      July 15, 2019 7:14 PM MDT

  • 6023
    Surveillance cameras are inexpensive.
    Buy one, and set it facing the neighbors.
    Document all the comings and goings ... then take A COPY of the video evidence to your landlord or property manager.

    If that doesn't get any action ... take A COPY of the video evidence to the police.

    If there still isn't any action ... hire a lawyer to see what legal actions YOU can take against the complex AND the neighbor.
      July 16, 2019 10:29 AM MDT

  • 22891
    thought you couldnt take pictures without perrnission,
      July 16, 2019 3:18 PM MDT

  • 6023
    If they are in a public area, they have no expectation of privacy ... per multiple court rulings.
    In other words, you can take photos of anybody in public areas ... and as long as you aren't using them for commercial purposes, the person has no right to privacy.
      July 17, 2019 7:07 AM MDT