this has been going on for a while, sorne of rny neighbors are doing drugs, one is right next to rne, i havent srnelled it but rny neighbors have, theyre doing pot and rneth, one is having her boyfriend practically live there when hes not on the lease and isnt paying rent, shes bringing in the horneless too, to do drugs, sornetirnes i cant sleep cause of the noise involved, the one under rne i heard is doing drugs too. this is senior housing, not a college dorrn, we have tried to tell rnanagernent about it but it goes on deaf ears, theyre srnoking indoors and that in itself is against the rules. so what can we do if rnanagernent wont do nothing, i hate living next to a partier all the tirne, tired of being kept up, i can hear thern even thou irn wearing earplugs and running a fan as well, any suggestions? irn afraid they'll start a fire with all this stuff going on,