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Couple questions rolled into one..


1)  4 people died in Benghazi.  Somebody made a HUGE mistake, so we investigate, investigate, and then investigate some more.  BUT 4,000 Americans died in Iraq.  We KNOW that was a HUGE mistake.  Why don't we investigate that??

2)  I ASK the above, because if we DID investigate, we PROBABLY would have made torture ILLEGAL forevermore.  Instead, we just put torture on the shelf for ANY future president to use..  Guess WHO wants to use it now?? 

3)  Is it too late to bring Bush/Cheney up on war crimes?


Posted - June 29, 2016


  • 3907

      June 29, 2016 9:30 AM MDT

  • 6988

     Those 4000 dead soldiers probably saved millions of lives of non-Islam people around the world. We stopped Saddam, who was terrorism's good buddy. His remnants are ISIS. Can you imagine millions of Iraqi terrorists on the loose? We have a few thousand ISIS terrorists to deal with now. 

      June 29, 2016 2:47 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Fact-free rant in defense of the indefensible is fact-free.

      June 29, 2016 2:51 PM MDT

  • 3934

    While one cannot point to any particular incident or action which indicated "Things are different now", over the past several decades there has been a deterioration of what little shared belief there was in our political class that the integrity of institutions mattered more than political gain.

    The reason the Iraq War, torture, etc. have largely gone uninvestigated and unprosecuted is because the Evil was bipartisan. If one administration started to hold people accountable, then the people who were held accountable would get their political allies to do retaliatory investigations/prosecutions of members of the other major political party, and the entire Governning Class would be at risk.

    In contrast, the BENGHAZI!(tm) hearings were entirely about partisan political advantage. If you read the transcripts of the hearings, especially the later ones, you don't see questions about the events at the CIA front for transferring weapons to Syrian rebels who became, consulate in Benghazi, you see questions about HRC's political allies, her foundation, and so forth.

    But hey, there's a Michael Bay movie which includes which reifies the "Stand down!" myth, so true believers will continue to believe.

      June 29, 2016 2:59 PM MDT