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Apparently a professional athlete died of heat stroke on Friday by working out in extremely hot temperatures. He didn't know any better?

Posted - July 20, 2019


  • 6988
    Having once been a long distance runner, ( my best time was 3hrs. 38 min. for the 26 miles)  I can tell you that heat stroke is a sneaky killer. When you stop sweating during a workout, it is time to stop or your heart may stop. 
      July 20, 2019 11:06 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You were bh? Wow. I don't know if you ever chatted with Old School who used to be a member here and before that belonged to Answerbag but in high school he was on the track team and was a long-distance runner. He has trophies for it. That time you state seems AWESOME to me. Now if it is very high humidity and very high temp would YOU go out in it and work out? Isn't that a basic logical no no?  Do you still run or is that behind you? I used to be a runner too, Not long distance. But a few miles a day. Then one day my doc told me  my running days were done. I was 50! He suggested I replace it with fast walking. Ever try it? No fun. I didn't do it. I still miss the exhilaration of running though that was more that 3 decades ago. Of course the ideal run surface is a track or the beach on the sand. I ran on concrete and that doesn't lend itself to longevity! Thank you for your reply! :)
      July 21, 2019 6:27 AM MDT