I think the point is that the end never justifies the means if the means does harm to anyone. Whatever is gained by that is worthless . It may be a temporal short-term "gain" but in the end? Do the greedy and cruel swap stories about their methods of achieving success? Do they vie for bragging rights? What do they talk about? Truth, justice, kindness, fair play? Or are such things anathema to them and they concentrate on how they got what they got and how to get more of it no matter what it takes?
I expect if you don't have the capacity to think about such abstract concepts you can't be faulted for your limitations. Right? They don't CHOOSE to be they just ARE.
It's a struggle to figger that one out. People are responsible for their words/deeds. They are accountable. But if it is all they are capable of doing and they have no choice can they be blamed/faulted for being what they are? As I said it's a struggle for me to figger it out. You too? What's your conclusion?