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Discussion » Questions » Business » HEY HEY HEY Guess WHOM is a Baltimore SLUM LANDLORD? YES. Jared Kushner. He is a rodent-infested slumlord.

HEY HEY HEY Guess WHOM is a Baltimore SLUM LANDLORD? YES. Jared Kushner. He is a rodent-infested slumlord.

In the same district Trump is TWEETING ABOUT being filthy and infested.


Jared Kushner is a lot of things: addlepated titmouse; bemused silver-spoon-asshole-enabler; failing real estate investor; poor man’s Count Chocula; quasi-sentient ambulatory sperm whale placenta in Little Lord Fauntleroy finery; Ivanka Trump’s third-favorite dildo.

But don’t ever call him a decent landlord.

Because apparently, he’s a slumlord. In — wait for it! — Baltimore.

You know, that so-called rat-infested garbage heap his father-in-law loves to tweet about.

It’s always, always, always projection with these idiots.




A scathing investigation in 2017 by ProPublica and co-published by The New York Times — headlined “The Beleaguered Tenants of Kushnerville” — slammed the multiple projects purchased by Kushner Cos. when it was helmed by Jared Kushner and managed by a subsidiary. Kushner Cos. bought up some 15 complexes, almost all of them in the Baltimore area, housing as many as 20,000 people, according to ProPublica. None of the housing complexes are in Cummings’ district but several are close enough to share a ZIP code, Bloomberg reports, and many house African-Americans,

The investigation examined charges of decrepit conditions and lawsuits filed against tenants when they tried to move out. One court case described a leaking bedroom ceiling, maggots in the living room carpet and raw sewage spewing [from] the kitchen sink in a complex called “The Cove.” It’s the kind of apartment in which “no human being” would “want to live,” to quote Trump’s comment about Cummings’ Baltimore district.

The apartments’ residents also brought lawsuits alleging that their rents were mysteriously larded with late fees and other added fees “as part of a ruse to evict them when the money wasn’t paid.”

No wonder Ivanka wanted to marry this guy. You’re drawn to what you’re familiar with, right?

But, sure, Donnie Dipshits. Keep tweeting about Elijah Cummings, who — wait a second, I have it right here — isn’t a Baltimore slumlord. Hmm.

Then again, he also isn’t white, and that’s the whole point, isn’t it?


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Posted - July 30, 2019


  • 5391
    As if there aren’t any rats in NYC. 
      July 30, 2019 7:28 AM MDT

  • 5450
    Every year Orkin makes lists of top 50 US cities ranked by different kinds of rodents and bugs so there's some bad news for President Trump's hometown and some good news for Baltimore!  Baltimore only ranks number 9 in rat-infestation!  New York is number 3!

    Top 50 most rat-infested cities in 2018:

    1. Chicago
    2. Los Angeles
    3. New York
    4. Washington
    5. San Francisco
    6. Detroit
    7. Philadelphia
    8. Cleveland
    9. Baltimore
    10. Denver
    11. Minneapolis-St. Paul
    12. Dallas-Ft. Worth
    13. Boston
    14. Seattle
    15. Atlanta
    16. Indianapolis
    17. Miami-Ft. Lauderdale
    18. Hartford
    19. Pittsburgh
    20. Cincinnati
    21. Milwaukee
    22. Charlotte
    23. Houston
    24. Portland, OR
    25. Columbus
    26. San Diego
    27. Raleigh-Durham
    28. Buffalo
    29. New Orleans
    30. Norfolk
    31. Richmond
    32. Albany
    33. Kansas City
    34. Portland, ME
    35. Nashville
    36. St. Louis
    37. Sacramento
    38. Greenville
    39. Grand Rapids
    40. Phoenix
    41. Orlando
    42. Tampa
    43. Burlington, NY
    44. Champaign
    45. Rochester, NY
    46. Syracuse
    47. Charleston
    48. Dayton
    49. Memphis
    50. Flint
      July 30, 2019 10:12 PM MDT

  • 34815
    If a town is does not matter who owns the property there will be rats.
      August 4, 2019 6:42 AM MDT