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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Those who support EVIL VERMIN who control a country are not patriots. They're suckups. A patriot supports his/her country and SAYS SO! Yes?

Those who support EVIL VERMIN who control a country are not patriots. They're suckups. A patriot supports his/her country and SAYS SO! Yes?

Patriots DO NOT SUPPORT AN EVIL TREASONOUS TRAITOROUS "leader". Patriots support a country and the rule of law and their fellow citizens. Patriots are not loyal to a homo sap above all else. Patriots are loyal to a country ABOVE ALL ELSE.

So we have millions of chump loyalists. They cannot be loyal to that and also be patriots. They are mutually exclusive. They chose. They live with that choice. They will die with that stain upon their name. T'is a pity.

Posted - July 31, 2019


  • 2706
     Patriotism can be defined simply as the love of country. It's the kind of love that makes you thankful you're an American whenever you hear the National Anthem, or that makes you thankful you're from whatever country whenever your country wins an Olympic medal. It's that feeling of altruistic gratitude for freedom and rights or culture or any of the other values people around the world treasure in their nation. I consider myself a patriot. I recognize and am subject to the laws of the land of this Constitutional Republic. I love living in the United States. I am very thankful that I was born here and able to live my life with freedoms and rights very few other countries have. However, I am not loyal to this country "ABOVE ALL ELSE". First and foremost, I am loyal to God first above all else, family second, and country third. Yes, I support this country, pray for its leaders and do what is necessary to be a good citizen. I support anyone that does and is doing what's best for this country as a whole. Though I support them for doing what's best for this country, I do not and will not support anyone that goes against God,  the law of the land, nor will I support anyone that tries to take away my freedoms and rights.

      Do we have some traitors in political office? Of course, both Democrats and Republicans. Anyone who espouses any form of government (Socialism, Communism, Fascism, etc) and that tries to use that form of government to try to usurp our Constitutional form of government and to try to take away our freedoms and rights, is a traitor. And anyone that supports those Socialist, Communist politicians, are themselves, traitors. As always, just my opinion. :)
      July 31, 2019 5:41 AM MDT