it’s mostly the use of pesticides in crops that is causing honey bees to go extinct, from what I’ve read.
I’m not sure about the US but “cosmetic” pesticides are banned where I live . They aren’t really necessary. People just have to start alternating planting and watering times and planting more native species, when it comes to cosmetic planting.
Bigger problem is large crops use of certain types of pesticides, especially things like corn crops.
Bees obviously don’t pollinate corn, but corn releases pollen into the air, which lands everywhere and kills shizzat loads of bees.
The larger chemical companies are releasing their own studies “ saying there are many of species of bees and that they will never go extinct. While they “may” not go extinct for a long time, the reduction in their population is already having a huge impact on agriculture and will be driving up prices to the average consumer in the very near future. It’s not a tomorrow problem. It’s a huge today problem that people should care about Cos there are simple things and alternatives people can do to help start to correct it...STAT!