Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » If a person has lung cancer should they spend a lot of time in the sun to decoy the cancer cells from lungs to the skin so the cells will be killed by the sun's radiation?

If a person has lung cancer should they spend a lot of time in the sun to decoy the cancer cells from lungs to the skin so the cells will be killed by the sun's radiation?

Not mind about getting skin cancer...

Posted - September 7, 2016


  • 44524

    There is no sun in BC so for you it is a moot question...LOL

      September 7, 2016 4:24 PM MDT

  • 13395
    We have the Sunshine Coast here somewhere -I-m not sure where it is, can never find it in the fog.
      September 7, 2016 4:38 PM MDT

  • 2500

    Metastisize. Look it up.

    (Cancer, lung cancer in particular, is no joking matter in spite of what you might think.)

      September 7, 2016 4:54 PM MDT

  • I hope this was a joke question?

      September 7, 2016 4:59 PM MDT

  • 13395
    I was diagnosed with lung cancer last October; prompted me to learn a lot about cancer but I can still find a bit of humor.
    I was fortunate tumor was discovered in stage 1, removed by surgery and follow-ups every 6 months. I smoked for 56 years. -
      September 7, 2016 5:10 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Yes basic.. see my reply to Salt and Red Pepper.
      September 7, 2016 5:13 PM MDT

  • In that case I wish you well with your treatment ... Good luck :)

      September 7, 2016 7:06 PM MDT

  • 13395
    All right thanks. I been doing fine.
      September 7, 2016 8:13 PM MDT