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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Daddy fred always bailed him out. The chump never worked for anyone. I think he couldn't hold a job. He'd be fird DAY ONE. Ya think?

Daddy fred always bailed him out. The chump never worked for anyone. I think he couldn't hold a job. He'd be fird DAY ONE. Ya think?

How can someone who couldn't possibly ever hold a job be a competent "boss"?

Would YOU hire chump for any position in YOUR company knowing that he is a compulsive liar not to mention all the others trashy crappy immoral illegal unholy things he is? What on earth for?

Posted - August 7, 2019


  • 6988
    Yet, he remains a billionaire. He owns over one billion $ of tangable goods, mostly real estate. And as far as a liar, he is in position to blow the crap back in the face of the news media. I guess if he lies to the media, they will twist it around to sound like the truth. 
      August 7, 2019 7:41 AM MDT