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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What if Donald John Trump's pal Vlad Putin sent over a Russian hit squad to take out Jeff because Donald John asked for help?

What if Donald John Trump's pal Vlad Putin sent over a Russian hit squad to take out Jeff because Donald John asked for help?

Allegedly Donald John Trump is connected to the American mafia having done business with pieces and parts of "made" men over the years. But he probably wanted to hit up  Vlad for help because he adores Vlad and knows Vlad wants nothing more than to protect the golden shower boy from harm. What are friends for?
The fake AG liddle billybarr is boss of those correction locations isn't he? If not who is?

He could arrange to get anyone in for whatever reason. Of course he is playing dumb and saying we will get to the bottom of it. Not if he is at the bottom we won't. Maybe he will blow up the locations where evidence is being collected. He has no bounds when it comes to protecting Donald John Trump.

Posted - August 13, 2019


  • 46117
    The ONLY unlikely scenario?  That he took his own life.  SURE.  Sure.  
      August 13, 2019 3:01 PM MDT

  • 10750
    One can post all the assumptions about Epstein they want.  Odds are high we may never know what really happened.

    Theory - Did he "know too much"?  He rubbed elbows with a lot of influential people over the years.  I'm sure he knew a lot of "dirt" about many of those people.  What if someone didn't want that "dirt" to "accidently slip out?

    Theory - Did he think death would solve all his problems?  Instead going through the humiliation of having himself and his reputation dragged through the "mud", killing himself would help him save face.

    Theory - It's a know fact the inmates in jails do not like pedophiles (even though some of the crimes they've committed were far worse).  Perhaps he was "removed" by one of them.

    Theory - He knew things about the president and/or other people "in power" that they didn't want him spilling, in order to receive a lesser sentence.

    The theories are endless.  Speculation is by no means proof.
      August 13, 2019 4:41 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Of course not Shuhak. However I think the antidons are very remiss in not speculating wild-a** theories of conspiracies. The prodons are so far ahead of us wilda** conspiracytheorywise it ain't funny McGee. I just asked a question about this very thing and I have issued a CHALLENGE to all antidons to come up with the most wilda** conspiracy theories they can. Why? Why not? Thank you for your thoughtful reply. For all we know Martians are behind it or people from the future come back in time to chaotically participate. Anything is possible so why not speak of it? It certainly doesn't stop the prodons. Why should it muzzle stifle the antidons?
      August 14, 2019 4:49 AM MDT

  • 2706
    The most common conspiracy theories are the ones that follow the eddies of politics. As a broad rule, a party or group that’s out of power will be more inclined to believe in conspiracies than a group that’s in power. Why do conspiracy theories exist? Who would benefit from such a conspiracy, and how would they benefit?’ :)
      August 13, 2019 11:57 PM MDT

  • 13277
    And what if pigs had wings? Would it be a conspiracy to make them fly? Maybe our friends at Geico know. If it's bandied about on MSNBC, it must be true.
      August 14, 2019 12:09 AM MDT