Allegedly two folks on duty fell asleep for several hours.
Allegedly for some unknown reason Epstein was left alone in his cell instead of with a cellmate
Allegedly folks on suicide watch don't get blankets or sheets to make a rope with which to hang themselves. Jeff was on suicide watch but was taken off for some reason.
Allegedly the folks there were not authorized to be there but were substitutes
Allegedly the records were changed to make it appear that they checked the cell every 30 minutes which is what they were supposed to do
Just as I had written below, the BBC Radio Four Women's Hour magazine programme ran an item on this case, with telephone interviews with a journalist and a lawyer in America. They pointed out that Jeff Epstein has been quoted as having regarded sex with young teenage girls as no more serious than "shop-lifting a bagel"; but although he cannot now be tried his accomplices including apparently three women, can be, on appropriate charges.
Also explained a law-suit has been instigated by one victim, now 34, taking advantage of a new law allowing a much greater time between alleged crime and allegation - 20 years for her.
The interview also made some general points including that in the USA, victims of sexual abuse are being treated better nowadays, though the multiplicity of different law-enforcement agencies means slow progress.
Parts of that were reported over in here in the BBC News - no immediate replacement for the transferred cell-mate, the failure in supervision; but so far not how he died. I believe that has not yet been established and suicide still thought the most likely.
Still, IF he was murdered.... Surely by someone already within the prison - whichever side of the cell door? I can't see it feasible someone could enter the place from outside, pass rather more than just the two immediate cell guards, and to drug those two at once.
So, IF murder I would suggest by another prisoner out of simple hatred of even alleged paedophiles and sex-traffickers.
The questions then are who killed him, and why supervision was so poor the killer had easy access and could kill him without at least a struggle and without leaving marks showing the fact.
Epstein's death must be investigated properly, not wildly guessed at; just as the alleged trafficking must be investigated properly. No conspiracy fantasies. This so suspects in both his death and as accomplices in Epstein's own crimes, can be found, tried properly and duly imprisoned if guilty, or cleared if innocent.
I know that the US legal system is based on that of the UK, not countries like France, so a suspect is presumed innocent until proven guilty. (Many other nations assume guilt first, placing the burden of proof of innocence on the accused.) This also demands the manner of a suspicious death is established properly: you cannot investigate a murder if that did not happen.
If not, the victims will have been failed, and your country's law-enforcement and judicial systems will be their own victims.
Ironically this is only just after the Carl Beech case in the UK, that may have been reported in the USA. Beech made a series of utterly wild accusations of sexual abuse of boys including him, by several leading male politicians and military figures, even including former Prime Minister, Edward Heath. Beech even alleged two or three were murdered. They were all lies, but the police officers involved were so nervous of such cases that they believed Beech without investigating him. They also intimidated a newspaper journalist who first smelt a rat when he looked into the allegation of one boy being wilfully run down by a car in the street, and soon established not even a road traffic accident had occurred; so the case became even less credible than it already had. Beech's lies and the detectives' incompetence had ruined the reputations of a number of famous people who had had led blameless and illustrious lives; and he is now in prison for "Perverting The Course of Justice". I do not know what if any action has been taken against the police officers involved, but hopefully the case will help ensure that all sexual-abuse cases are investigated properly so genuine offenders can be tried properly, their real victims treated humanely, innocent people not ruined, and false plaintiffs proven as liars.