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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Judas betrayed Jesus for "30 pieces of silver". The Donald John Trump betrays AMERICA every day for untold billions in potential. Luckyguy?

Judas betrayed Jesus for "30 pieces of silver". The Donald John Trump betrays AMERICA every day for untold billions in potential. Luckyguy?

Posted - August 16, 2019


  • 6023
    Speaking of the Judas story ... I never understood that whole thing.
    I mean, Jesus knew he had to die ... and he knew Judas would be the one to "betray" him.
    But it wasn't a "betrayal", since he had to die.  Right?
    So why didn't Jesus take Judas aside and say "Don't feel guilty.  This has to happen.  We're all good.  I won't stay dead, anyway.  I'll see you in 3 days."
      August 16, 2019 7:23 AM MDT

  • 46117
    This sounds like that guy who is saying that rape and incest are so common in history that we would not be here if it wasn't for rape and incest. 

    You are SO lost.  First of ALL you need to even understand what Jesus meant.  

    You are not even close.  NOT CLOSE.  

    You don't hear a story and make a spin on it when you have zero idea of the real event and what happened.  

    That's like me saying Oh, Hindus believe this so.... it must follow that....

    You don't even know the story dude. 
      August 16, 2019 12:35 PM MDT

  • 6023
    Yes, I do ... I was raised in the Church.

    Are you claiming that Jesus did NOT know he had to die as the sacrifice?
    Or are you claiming that Jesus did NOT know Judas was the one who "sold him out"?
      August 16, 2019 1:42 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Ok.  That answer was something I hear from people who know little.  And I know if you were raised as I was that you know at least as much as I do.  

    I am not disputing anything you said as far as accuracy. I don't know.  I know the Jesus story.  The Catholic, the Hindu (OH YEAH THE EAST WAS JESUS' PLAYGROUND), and all of it.  But it doesn't matter that Jesus was GOD as far as the unveiling of the story.  I mean He was GOD, alright, but he was showing HUMANS how HUMANS act and how flawed human thinking is.  The Jesus that was on Earth WAS GOD but he was human enough to ACT the role of a perfect human, no flaws where it mattered and WE ARE ALL MEANT TO BEHAVE THIS WAY.  THIS IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE HE MEANT..  He was unveiling a story that has resounded throughout history for US to REMEMBER and LEARN FROM.

    What you take from it is exactly where you are on the level of advancement to me.  

    To me?  Jesus KNEW he was going to go through hell.  He allowed it.  He needed to allow it to show the world what EGO looks like compared to what the DIVINE looks like.

    And I don't mean that Judas was evil.  He was human and he was terrified and he doubted and saved his own butt.  That is really low.  That is what Jesus allowed. To show the story.

    So your grasp on this concept is tenuous at best.  You are focused on the wrong aspect.  

    Why don't you just leave your sick kid at the hospital and try again?  He is going to die anyway. So, you didn't do wrong? 

    EGO and doubt or DIVINE and faith?   It all depends on intent and how secure YOU are with your KNOWING that GOD is real.  That GOD will never desert you, no matter what your EGO thinks.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 17, 2019 3:48 AM MDT
      August 16, 2019 2:19 PM MDT

  • 6023
    So you are approaching the story outside the Bible.  Fine.
    I am taking the Bible at it's literal story.  The same approach Christians do.  It's the "Word of God" and infallible, after all.

      August 16, 2019 2:45 PM MDT

  • 46117
    NO.  You didn't read a word.  Just like you didn't interpret the BIBLE either.  

    I mentioned a few other things that HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MY POINT by way of introducing things that are IN THE BIBLE and some things that were edited FROM the BIBLE.

    But, still that has nothing at ALL to do with my debate of your claiming that you have a better way for Jesus to have behaved since he was GOD.

    COME ON.  Are you really stuck there?  

    This has NOTHING to do with the bible.  This is common sense.  I know I am defining the story of the LORD very clearly and also in a way that all Christians can accept.

    Jesus knew. He KNEW he was going to DIE.  

    He went through the role anyway to SHOW us the way.  He also showed us what is NOT the right way.  

    In the END?  You have to cross out the PHYSICAL to reach the DIVINE.    Die to the physical and you are saved.  That is the BIBLE and I will defy anyone to prove me wrong.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 16, 2019 2:50 PM MDT
      August 16, 2019 2:48 PM MDT

  • 113301
      August 17, 2019 3:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
      August 16, 2019 1:53 PM MDT

  • 10750

    Wrong; it was betrayal. Yes, Jesus knew the Judas was to one who would betray Him.   However, it was Judas's own choice to betray Jesus.  God know form before time that Judas would betray Jesus.  But He let it play out.

    Judas, along with the other disciples (apostles), walked with Jesus for around 3 years.  They saw His miracles.  They heard His teachings.  (How many times do we wish we could have been there to do that?).  Yet Judas didn’t seem to care.  His heart wasn’t on Jesus, but on things of this world.  (It says in John 12:6 that Judas stole from the moneybox the disciples carried.)  Jesus knew his.  Even so, Jesus counted him as a friend - as He did with the other 11 (He loved them just as He loves sinful us).  No one forced Judas to do what he did.  It was Judas’s own choice.  God simply used him (and his corrupt heart) for His purpose.      

    Now, even though Judas betrayed Jesus, that wasn’t the end of it.  Sure, he committed what we think of as a “hideous crime” (although we betray Jesus countless times each week).  However, even though the deed was done, Judas could have repented …and he would have been forgiven (heck, Jesus forgave the howling mob that demanded He be crucified).  But, no.  Although Judas felt remorse for his actions (as did Peter when he denied Jesus), he didn’t seek forgiveness (as Peter did), but instead, he went out and committed suicide.  Jesus DID tell Him (and the other disciples), “I’ll see you in three days”.  Evidently, he didn’t believe Him.  It WOULD have been “we’re all good”, but Judas didn’t believe that Jesus was who He said He was.

      August 17, 2019 5:29 PM MDT

  • 6023
    Sorry, but I don't believe that.
    If you know something HAS TO happen ... it is not a "betrayal" when it happens.
      August 19, 2019 7:42 AM MDT

  • 10750
    Trump isn't just betraying america, he's fleecing it - and without any remorse whatsoever.  
    By his flagrant disregard for the law and for people, he clearly demonstrates that his only concern is himself.  He "encts" petty laws just to get what he wants or to make himself look good.  He doesn't give a rat's a$$ how his actions will affect others; they're not his problem.
      August 16, 2019 12:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Can you answer me this Shuhak? What happened to Patriotism integrity and honor? His bazillions of worshippers seem to have no use for any of them. When did those things become anathema to American citizens and an evil denizen of he** become their hero? Thank you for your reply.
      August 16, 2019 1:55 PM MDT

  • 10750
    Patriotism integrity and honor were whittled away long ago. 
    How can one be patriotic when they're ashamed of their country? I sure don't feel patriotic, do you?  Personally, I'm ashamed at much of what this country has done.  The rights of a few outweigh the rights of many.  
    Integrity?  Why, I'd be surprised if even half of people under the age of 50 even know what the word means.  We've gone from a word and a handshake to having to sign a stacks and stacks of legaleze.  Lying is so commonplace that its encouraged!   Our leaders lie like rugs - governors, presidents, judges, senators.  I've worked for companies who flat out told its employees to lie to customers!  It was a job requirement!! 
    Honor?  How can one honor someone or something that is utterly corrupt?
      August 16, 2019 3:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I disagree absolutely completely irrevocably entirely. It isn't the country its the vermin who are currently in charge. They have tried their very best to despoil it and trash it and vilify it and destroy it. That is on THEM Shuhak. I believe in MY COUNTRY T'IS OF THEE and always will. A shi**load of Donald John Trumps or Tricky Dicky Nixons will never change that. I'm sad that you feel as you do. That patriotism is only a word. Imagine your sons (if you have any) fighting in wars and dying on the battlefield for their country. If you think that is not patriotic then I truly pity you. There are many patriots today and there always were. They will not be obliterated or annihilated or SILENCED just because of evil vermin taking control temporarily. The AMERICAN SPIRIT will survive. The AMERICAN DREAM will not die unless more people like you force it t by losing faith and hope and simply giving up and rolling over.  I AM PROUD OF MY COUNTRY. Not of all of its history. Show me a country that never made a misstep or allowed an atrocity at one time or another. But what is written on the statue of liberty once upon a time was true. That's why people flooded into America via Ellis Island. My grandparents and parents among them. We must make those words true again. I will not give up. I am not alone. This is a temporary evil that we must FIGHT WITH ALL OUR MIGHT. Good will win if we keep fighting. If we don't we deserve to disappear in fascism racism nationalism nazi americanism. Thank you for your reply.
      August 17, 2019 3:59 AM MDT

  • 46117
    AND?  He publicly brags about it.  

    He is not laughing. He is spitting in our faces.  SPITTING.  
      August 16, 2019 12:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I despair at the bazillions of Donald John Trump worshippers and supporters and defenders. He is a denizen of He** whom they all support defend adore protect. That is beyond sad. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      August 16, 2019 1:57 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I'm loving the fact that all these Democratic candidates are FINALLY getting behind SCREAMING to the ROOFTOPS that he is from HELL and is a DENIZEN.  LOL

    Rosie, I am wondering if a tanking economy will finally end his lame reign.  Wouldn't you trade a few hard years as a price to pay for getting rid of HIM and the GOP for good?  OH MAN. I am willing to endure a few hardships. I don't care about the economy as much as I care about America and this country and our way of life.  So, we struggle.  At least we will be struggling together to help re-build what Trump has destroyed.  Some of it will take DECADES already.  If he wins again, I cannot watch.  I just cannot watch.  It is so incomprehensible.  

    So a few lean years is a small price to pay for what we may lose because of this SATANIC PIG.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 16, 2019 2:35 PM MDT
      August 16, 2019 2:29 PM MDT

  • 11313
    Bet if Trump saw that photo he would be offended because the devil is black I bet even the devil has to be white in Trumps mind. Cheers and happy weekend! This post was edited by Nanoose at August 16, 2019 6:08 PM MDT
      August 16, 2019 5:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I despair at the bazillions of Donald John Trump worshippers and supporters and defenders. He is a denizen of He** whom they all support defend adore protect. That is beyond sad. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      August 16, 2019 1:57 PM MDT