Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Elizabeth Warren is SURGING in the polls. Pocahontas may become chump's Waterloo. Wouldn't a drubbing by her of him float your boat?
It might go badly. Look at what he did to Hilary. She looked like a total ineffective housewife. That's what Elizabeth can wind up looking like as well. She has those DORK tendencies that kind of annoy the more sophisticated audience.
I KNOW that is just her, but her PASSION comes off as scripted to me. She always starts out with that same IMPASSIONED but FOLKSY routine that kind of grates on the nerves. I wish she would stop that. And act like WHAT SHE IS. A BRILLIANT WOMAN who doesn't need to be cute and folksy. KNOCK IT OFF ELIZ. YOU ARE A POWERHOUSE. BE THAT.