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How ACCURATE is The "Black Lives Matter" Narrative?

Cited below are several statistics demonstrating, generally, that white males are taking the clear brunt of lethal force by police.  All but one of the references doesn't take population weighting into account, and there is no attempt to tabulate the number of non-lethal police abuse cases by race. (I'm still looking for a reliable source of such data.)

5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks

Police shootings and race

Breakdown Of US Citizens Killed By Cops In 2016

Please note that anyone who takes issue with the bias of the source for any of these data are cordially invited to provide stats of their own. :-)

Posted - September 8, 2016


  • 2758

    Hello Ex:

    There is nothing accurate about it!  On the main, police are no more apt to kill or abuse black people than they are any other racial subgroup.  Any claims to the contrary on the part of BLM (A/K/A, "Special Victims 'R Us") is bovine excrement!

    And I haven't "portrayed" them as anything (other than, potentially, black segregationists/separatists).

      September 12, 2016 1:29 AM MDT

  • 2758

      September 12, 2016 1:30 AM MDT

  • 1002

    Well, the point remains. Mind-reading isn't an argument. lol

      September 12, 2016 7:32 AM MDT

  • 691

    My perspective is that some people of any race take on a weird view and see problems, threats, oppression everywhere. This is most often young people who feel the world is unfair to them. Some people when they are doing this to themselves will make it about their race or weight or gender or if they have acne pimples on their face. The black lives matter is a group to take advantage of people who think and want to think that race is the thing that is making them not do well in life. What is needed to help all those people is to show them better tactics for life to make them successful so they see that there are ways to do well and those ways aren't simply to be white.

      September 12, 2016 8:02 AM MDT

  • I understand.

      September 12, 2016 10:27 AM MDT

  • Obviously my post went totally and fully over your head Mis.

      September 12, 2016 10:29 AM MDT

  • 2758

    'Obviously' her take on the issue differs from your own, and for that you demean her?

    How bloody typical.

    But keep it up, 'Not.'  It's important for people to see you and the political philosophies you represent for precisely what you/they are.

      September 12, 2016 1:53 PM MDT

  • 2758

    Going strictly by your pusillanimously pejorative, passive-aggressive strafing runs targeting me and others who dare to disagree with you, you clearly do not.  In fact, I suspect the very capacity to understand eludes you!

      September 12, 2016 1:56 PM MDT

  • 2758

    Pardon me for daring to pigeonhole any individual, but from this one I would expect no different/better.

      September 12, 2016 2:00 PM MDT