Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Considering all the books you've read, the movies/TV shows you've seen which among them had the most haunting eery ending? What was it?
I saw that movie. Adam and Eve going toward the Tree of Life and beginning again. For me it was either a Twilght Zone or a Lights Out show where I saw what I'm going to describe. I don't remember which. You hear a voice in the background commenting on what is going on. You don't see where the voice is coming from. A most bizarre unexpected fade to black occurs at the end. The last thing you see is a brain suspended in liquid in a glass container. As the voice continues on. Now how does a brain speak? Well you suspend disbelief of course and assume the brain is so powerful it can transfer thoughts into sounds. And so to this day I see that brain that controlled everything. Made all the decisions. Had power over all. And no one ever knew it was a brain suspended in liquid. So how do we know there isn't such a thing hidden away unseen by us controlling everything in what we perceive to be our world? On one level I admit I don't know and maybe we live in a Matrix. On the other level I believe there has to be much more to life than that. But I will never know for sure until I die and then maybe? Or maybe not. Thank you for your reply E. See my mind goes to the very strange while yours goes to the very beautiful. I don't know why. It just is! :)
You're correct. I saw the movie twice, At the end I guessed what was coming from when the Angels swooped the kids up. I didn't think of the mystical though, just how God was punishing us and letting humanity start over.
(I let that upset me. My insecurity again, having a rough day or two but I hang in.)
That looked like Nicholas Cage to me. Maybe even Glenn Close? I don't know. I only watched your video here once.
There were voices at the beginning but I couldn't figure them out. Then I think it may have been on a blitzed-out TV in the scene.
I saw RosieG's reply to your answer.
I haven't seen this movie.
Those two young children at the end - - they were cast perfectly. Open. Inquisitive. Honest. Innocent. And they didn't say a word. And the rabbits.
I admit I didn't particularly enjoy watching this but, to me, someone who has not even seen the entire movie, this was indeed haunting and eerie. Rather beautiful, too.
The last moments of the episode 'Amelia' - - the third of three short films from the made-for-TV movie "Trilogy of Terror," starring Karen Black. All three different episodes starred Black.
I am not familiar with them. What you have here is a woman who looks like an animal raising her arm up over and over and over and over. How long does it last before the end? It's not something I would seek out based on this sample. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply and the graphic WQ. It's probably way over my head! Happy Saturday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 24, 2019 9:09 PM MDT
Yeah, the repetitive nature of the gif, in a way, takes away from the eeriness.
I'll fill you in on the movie's plot, to help explain. (Don't read on if you don't want to know the details, ha! Lots of plot spoilers.)
Like I said, "Amelia" is the third story in the movie -- it revolves around Amelia getting a Zulu warrior doll. She accidentally sets the doll's spirit alive and the doll starts attacking her around her apartment. The doll has a spear, too. Amelia ends up getting possessed by its spirit. Amelia indeed looks like an animal here because she's possessed.
I've posted the entire Amelia episode here; it's only 16 minutes long.
But if you want to see the very end (the part I posted here in that gif), start to watch at the 15:35 minute mark and the last seconds are there. Less than a minute - - and it works a lot better seeing the actual last minute of the movie as opposed to that gif I first posted. ( Crouching down, she's waiting for her mother to show up at her apartment door.) I'll try to find a picture of the Zulu warrior doll, too-- it will explain Amelia's teeth, in case you watch the last minute here. Whoa! Some wild teeth! :)
I recommend this entire "Trilogy of Terror" movie a lot, especially this last episode about Amelia. Actress Karen Black is superb in literally a one-woman short movie here in "Amelia." She makes it all work terrifically. All three episodes are not over-the-top in gore or anything- - all three are rather like episodes from "The Twilight Zone" or "The Outer Limits." The entire movie is very well done to me. :)
Here is a picture of the Zulu warrior doll and then the movie itself. (On my computer, the 'still' image of the video shows the doll, too.) :)
This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at August 25, 2019 5:29 AM MDT
I am not a fan of terror WQ. I don't like dolls that are possessed by evil spirits or Voodoo or black magic. I stay away from that stuff. I watched TWILIGHT ZONE when it first aired and on the days they have marathon episodes since then and I don't recall that kind of story. Now there was one about a guy who mistreated all his appliances very badly. They ganged up on him to retaliate. Perhaps my memory isn't so good though. I found most of the Twilight Zone episodes to be very thought-provoking and not so far out that they couldn't happen in another dimension. I don't watch slasher movies or gory movies or movies where someone is being stalked. Too chicken I guess. You are a far braver person than I am my friend. Thank you for your reply WQ! :)
I don't blame you at all. Yeah, this Amelia would be more of a spooky supernatural story. And from what I remember of Twilight Zone it was like what you said - - like, these stories might happen somehow. I like, though, how this Trilogy of Terror movie took its premises and kept them very literal -- and Amelia is the most "out there" story of the three, so to speak - - but once the stories are set, the film is never over-the-top in gore or blood or anything. In fact, from what I remember, Amelia is the only one that is so in-your-face - - as in, she's getting stalked by a little shin-high warrior doll with a spear. The film pulls it all off very believably to me even with the almost-silliness of the attacking-doll premise. And this was way before all the Chucky movies (I think); I've never watched the Chucky movies.They revolve, I think, around another type of diabolical doll.
I don't do terror so well anymore. I really have fond memories of this Trilogy of Terror, though. :)
We're all wired differently my friend. I never understood why folks enjoy being terrified! I guess there is a certain that one gets but I'm not willing to go there. Thank you for your thoughtful reply WQ and Happy Monday to you! :)
You're welcome, Rosie. I'm more with you now than I used to be -- lately, I, too, am now choosing to not knowingly go into a movie knowing that is scary/terrifying/etc. :)
I distinctly remember the movie that "turned" me away from scary movies -- the original "Cloverfield." That movie really got to me. Sort of a funny story I have about but I have to leave now. Maybe I'll fill you in another time. "Cloverfield" - - a superb-to-me movie but it really got to me. :)
Happy day to you, too :)
This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at August 26, 2019 9:46 AM MDT
Thanks m'dear. I never heard of that movie WQ. When I was in my 30's I had a friend named Pat who saw PSYCHO and she warned me to never go see it. I didn't. But one day on TV I inadvertently saw a clip...the one where " mummy dearest" turns around in the chair? You know the one if you saw it. I'm 81 going on 82 and I still see that in my mind's eye to this day. Some of us are made to be more "delicate" while others are sturdier. I'm gonna ask!