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"The Devil is in the detail". Meaning that is where the truth is found? Are you satisfied with specificless generalizations or do you prefer specific details that can be verified/debunked? Why?


Posted - September 9, 2016


  • For me it depends on the context.

    I'm quite happy with a generalization such as "human beings are polymorphous perverse" (Germaine Greer)

    because it's easy to accept that it is broadly true - meaning there are almost always exceptions and varying degrees of truth for individual human beings, and a good proportion may still fit into different "norms."

    But sometimes generalisations are useless, or worse, misleading. And when this is the case, I prefer to examine the detail.

      September 9, 2016 8:35 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I am thinking of Donald J. Trump specifically who repeatedly says "many people think so." "Many people say so". He never identifies any of the many so I think he is full of sh** and just makes it up. What do you think hartfire? Thank you or your reply! :)

      September 9, 2016 8:46 AM MDT

  • 5354

    I prefer specific details that can be tested and verified/falsified.

    Bur the phrase "the devil is in the details" is about something else. About the fact that just about ANY general conclusion fails when tested in the our rich and mutifaceted reality.

    "Do not hurt others", a simple rule; but what about masochists who want to be hurt. etc, etc, etc. We can find exceptions to every rule we make.

    There are circumstances where I have not only the right, but also the duty to steal. A good portion of Civic Defense is about that. I can get jailed if I have 500 evacuees on my hands and fail to steal enough food to feed them. Ok by now I am pretty much 'retired' from all that, but I am still on the rolls and may get called into active duty again ;-))

      September 9, 2016 9:18 AM MDT

  • I don't think he does nearly enough market research. He is a spontaneous populist who spouts ideas off the top of his head without prior thought with regard to accuracy or consequences.

    I followed him closely for a few months - but after I while I realised that he's ad-libbing as he goes. He's unpredictable. What he says one day is contradicted on another. It's not possible to know exactly what he would do if elected - except that it would probably be in keeping with Republican planks.

    It's tempting to dismiss him as a buffoon.

    We recently had a similar character elected to the Upper House here. Clive Palmer formed his own party. He was a self-made tycoon who funded his own campaign and got voted in by being silly, funny, outrageous and making ridiculous promises that were impossible to keep. Once in parliament he soon undid himself and was voted out at the next election. His party has fallen apart.

    Trump is different because he has the backing of the Republicans. He may be a lot smarter than he appears because it takes brains to make billions. On the other hand, he might just have used connections and paid smart people to do the work for him.

    If he gets in, I think one of two things might happen. He becomes the puppet of his party like Reagan was - being coached and groomed by his directors. Or he makes monumental stuff-ups and one of them brings him down in a manner as spectacular as Watergate, or an international fiasco.

    As I've mentioned in previous discussions - all sides of Australian politics are exceptionally nervous about Trump. We never expected him to get as far as he has. And if he does get in - we think he's highly likely to create a war with China. Since China is one of our largest trading partners, and since we are tied into a treaty to act as military allies with America - such a war could severely damage or even destroy Australia in numerous ways.

    I follow your news but try to stay out of commentary on American politics because I have no right to say how you should run your country. I mostly prefer to restrict myself to expression of ideas or opinions on points that are independent of national boundaries.

    Some points are obscure to me - especially when people use acronyms - I google them.

    Because there's a lot that I don't know about the States, some of the things referred to, here on aM, go right over my head. Sometimes I try to look up the references and can't find any. I'd have to have been raised there to understand it.

      September 9, 2016 9:45 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I think you are a remarkable Answermugger hartfire. You do more than just fine. You are often divine. You  participate and contribute whereas some Americans just attack/ridicule/complain. I'd far rather have you as a fellow citizen than some of the folks I am stuck with who seem to be intent on destroying our country. So keep up the good work and please on any of my question threads give me your opinion. You DO have a right to comment on what's going on in our country. It affects the world so I welcome whatever  any non-citizens have to say. I'm sorry you have experienced a Trumpy character in your country. I guess they are ubiquitous! Thank you for your thoughtful reply hartfire! :) If you express opinions on any of my question threads and anyone attacks you I will smack the crap outta them verbally. I am very good at that. Better than most. When I ask a question I WANT your opinion. So please don't withhold it. It will always be welcome to me and for those to whom it isn't...ignore them.

      September 9, 2016 1:27 PM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you for your thoughtful answer JakobA. The GOP prez wannabe is always saying "many folks think so" " many folks say so" but he never identifies them so of course he is just peddling sh** and doesn't care a bit about it. Neither do his supporters. Which always puzzles me . I like PROOF and specifics and verification and names. He  never provides them. And HIS PEOPLE  embrace him and all he says which is nothing substantive. They don't care. They love him. There is nothing he can do or say that will cause them to abandon him. He is their guy and that's that. It is the scariest thing I have ever witnessed in my 78 years on earth.  Scarier than that will be if Trump is elected president. I cannot believe we the people would elect a cartoon character who seems to be anti-everything American. Go figger! :)

      September 9, 2016 1:33 PM MDT

  • Thank you Rosie. Am laughing with deep warm smiles.

    It's kind of you to think of defending me. When you go on the attack the way you do it tickles my funny bone. And I admit, I do kinda like it. :)

    So far, here on aM I have not felt upset by the few jibes that have come my way. One person with considerable IT skills volunteered to ruin me. I just shrugged my shoulders and let his statement speak for itself.

    After all, being in another hemisphere on the other side of the world (and protected by obscure freeware software that's tricky for even the best hackers) keeps me feeling pretty safe. I can afford to be open on aM.

    Although I'm Green, liberal, atheist, vegetarian, feminist, anti-racist and lots of other isms - I like to interact with people from all viewpoints and discover how and why they think as they do. I might, at times, argue my views strenuously if I think the cause is important - but I try to do it in ways that are not offensive to others.

    I think sometimes some people over-react to some of your questions - and I'm guessing that may be very unpleasant for you when it happens. If ever someone really bothers you and I've missed it, please let me know.

      September 9, 2016 8:26 PM MDT

  • 113301

    You're so sweet. I have found  more than a few  Answermuggers defending me and verb ally smacking those who attack me. I rarely ever respond. I figure the attackers can't resist me or they would ignore me.They are unable to give substantive answers so all they can do to garner attention is to insult. Now I NEVER read their posts but others do and sometimes in my responding to those others I see where someone has smacked them for the attack.  Sometimes I will thank my defender but I RARELY EVER waste time on the attackers. In fact they amuse me. They are so desperate for my attention they are like moths to the flame. Their wings keep getting singed but they don't notice it. I never reported them when I belonged to Answerbag. I just ignored them there and I ignore them here. They are inconsequential and irrelevant and contribute nothing I need, want or can use.  I like everything you are. I'm not an Atheist but I have relatives who are and I have no problem with them. Jim is one.  My son and his friends are. Different strokes. You can only believe in what makes sense to you. Jim and I could be Vegetarian very easily. Not Vegan though. We love our eggs and cheese and ice cream.  As you know I  looked into the Green Party after you told me that was your political party and I very much liked what I read there. I'm liberal, anti-racist and I don't know if I'm a feminist or not frankly.  I think women should be paid the same amount of money if they do the same job but take Major Tennis Tournaments. The men have to  win 3 out of 5 games and the women only have to  win 2 our of  3. Yet the prize money is the same. I don't think that's fair.  I guess men have more energy and stamina but the women who win did not do the same work as the men who win if the men have to play 5 games and they only have to play 3. So I guess I'm a quasi-feminist?  Men are better at some things than women. Women are better at some things than men. I think it evens out. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.We all have our excellences and our abysmals. I dislike arrogance hugely. It turns me off completely. Thank you for a lovely reply hartfire. I appreciate it and you! :)

      September 10, 2016 3:34 AM MDT