Isolated misfits who have no self-worth self-esteem or self-confidence on their own all alone long to matter somewhere to someone. So they gather together as birds of a feather are wont to do and form groups based on a desperate need to be important. They have nothing within to use to do that for themselves. They have no particular ambitions or talents or curiosity or motivation or excited determination to explore and learn. None. Zero, Zip. They are blobs of protoplasm just waiting to be consumed by something. Perfect for hate groups.
Sad but understandable.
My experience with hate groups is non-existent. But I have experience with wanting to belong to a group.
In junior college at age 17 there were sororities that "rushed" prospective members. Some were elite some not-so-hot.
I was never a joiner but I was curious to see what that whole scene was about so I "rushed". Wanna know what happened?
All of us who were not invited to join any sorority formed our own sorority. Our leader had the idea. One of the gals in that group was a gal I knew from high school. So whatever needed to be done to get it recognized and certified she did. She was a real smart cookie. A real go-getter. I wasn't the best member but I do recall one Easter week vacation at Laguna Beach. We had a blast. So we were all rejects. We made our own place and got along fine with the other groups. In our youth we figgered out how to make lemonade out of the lemons. We didn't join a hate group to destroy the groups who rejected us. We didn't pick up a loaded gun, go to a sorority party and start shooting. Long ago and far away we handled rejection in a better way than they do today.