Discussion » Statements » It must be clear as day to all of you that chump LUSTS AFTER and wants to be Barack Obama. He never can be and it is destroying him. Pity?

It must be clear as day to all of you that chump LUSTS AFTER and wants to be Barack Obama. He never can be and it is destroying him. Pity?

He wants to be beloved and admired and respected. He can never be any of that and it is driving him crazy so he continues to make wild stoopid dumb accusations that further solidifies the fact that he is has lost it compleely.

He hates Hillary but doesn't want to be her. He hates Barack and would give anything in the world to be him. The hates rages within him. Oh to be looked up to and validated and listened to as Barack Obama is. Oh to have had the GINORMOUS HUMONGOUS CROWDS AT THE INAUGURATION THAT BARACK HAD! The pictures are humiliating. His was puny tiny eensy bitsy microscopic and he can't let that go.

Crazy nutjob fruitcake dingaling senile obese jealous greedy money hungry hoor wackadoodle chump at the controls. How good does that make you feel? Got your life insuranc paid up, you wills prepared?

Posted - August 27, 2019
