Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you like chopped liver answers? You can take them any way you want because the intention is unclear/murky/fuzzy?

Do you like chopped liver answers? You can take them any way you want because the intention is unclear/murky/fuzzy?

How important is knowing the INTENTION of anyone?

If the intention is to insult is it always obvious or are some very sly and sneaky when they insult?

Just wonderin'.

Posted - September 3, 2019


  • 16975
    Sometimes I can't help myself. If I can make a joke, I do.

      September 3, 2019 4:17 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So is this a chopped liver reply R? I'm not a smarta** fan as I've said before. For YOU I am happy to make an exception. Know why? I can't recall that you ever smarta**ed me! If you did it went over my head. And there have been times when you opened up your emotions and shared them which I always appreciate. Smarta**es can sometimes/always only hurt people bigly..crush them.  If I am in pain and share that why would a smarta** lighten me up? The chump smirks 24/7. He is a dumba** but there is very little daylight between smarta** and dumba**! EUREKA! Another question. Thank you for your reply. You know I love it when you share with me how you feel about Maureen. Or Nick or Ash. For me that is the REAL you. The other smarta** part? That's for others who can appreciate it and perhaps they do because they are smarta** too. :)
      September 3, 2019 4:39 AM MDT