Begosh and begorra he flies to Dublin for his meeting 180 miles away from where he should be staying in a fine hotel in Dublin where all other American pols have stayed. Then after the meetin' me darlin' he gets back on the plane along with the huge throng of other toady sychophants who are brought along to jack up the costs for rooms and more food to be charged to you the people and then flies back to the steadfastjacka** golf resort and of course the chump company's bill the United States of America for having to house and feed the pence and his cabal and entourage and toady sychophant cabals. How much does that cost us the taxpayer me darlin'? Why does it matter as long all monies we pay go into the pocket of the steadfast jacka** who seems to be insistin' on his toady sychophants staying at his properties so he can FINANCIALLY screw we the people royally. Isn't that swell me darlin'? What a scheme to rape our coffers and have it all "stay in the family' of the chumps.
Now ye know what the steadfastjacka** does all day. He is the one who plans and plots and schemes to get every penny he can from us while he can. What a businessman. Do ye admire him me darlins? Such a darlin man.