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Do some "christians" think of themselves as the "christian race"? Christian=RELIGION. DUH! Do RACISTS see themselves as a separate RACE?

Is there likewise a "jewish" race a "buddhist" race a "voodoo" race?

When religion and ethnicity gets so badly comingled and manglehood separating is impossible.

So what are YOU? What do you put FIRST? Why?

Christian White Male
White Christian Male
White American Christian Male
American white Christian male

So many parts to you and titles. WHICH COMES FIRST AND WHY?

Posted - September 5, 2019


  • 6023
    Actually ... many people consider Jews a race.
    n the 1980s, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Jews are a race, at least for purposes of certain anti-discrimination laws. Their reasoning: at the time these laws were passed, people routinely spoke of the "Jewish race" or the "Italian race" as well as the "Negro race," so that is what the legislators intended to protect.

    There's actually a controversy about whether or not Hebrews are a race.
    Here's a couple articles, with different points of view from scientists:

    Jews are a race

    Jews are not a race

      September 5, 2019 10:17 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Here's the backstory to my question Walt. Someone "misspoke" and corrected herself. Her initial words were "the Christian RACE" and then corrected herself and said the Christian religion. So I wondered if there are Christians who think of themselves as a separate race.  Back in the day there were three RACES. Many ethnicities of course but there was Caucasian Mongoloid and Negro and now I dunno. What was no longer is. Why that is beats me. Thank you for your helpful and informative reply Walt. I'm Armenian American Caucasian Christian. Armenian "race"? Seriously? :)
      September 6, 2019 2:25 AM MDT

  • 2706
    I see that you mentioned "Christian" in your question. The concept of “race” is biological, not Biblical. There is no mention of different races, as such, in the Bible, nor even of the very concept of a “race.” Evidently, there is no Biblical or theological meaning to the term, and we must conclude, therefore, that races are purely arbitrary entities invented by man for his own convenience in biological and anthropological studies and to bring about caustic division among earth's population. Jews are simply part the whole of humanity but unfortunately singled out by racists and the growing wave of Antisemitism in the world.

      Back to your use of the word Christian. According to Easton's Bible Dictionary, the name "Christian" was given by the Greeks or Romans, probably in reproach, to the followers of Jesus. It was first used at Antioch. The names by which the disciples were known among themselves were "brethren," "the faithful," "elect," "saints," "believers." But as distinguishing them from the multitude without, the name "Christian" came into use and was universally accepted. This name occurs but three times in the New Testament (Acts 11: 26; 26: 28; 1 Peter 4:16) Though I have used the title "Christian" for sake of simplicity, I prefer not to use that title. I am an adopted son of Almighty God and one of the brethren that happens to be "white". So I do not adopt any of the Christian White Male, White Christian Male, White American Christian Male, or American white Christian male titles you mentioned. 
      September 5, 2019 11:31 AM MDT

  • 10750
    * Christian does NOT = religion.  The suffix '-ian' (as a noun) means - One from, belonging to, relating to, or like.  So a Christian, belongs to, is related to, and is like Jesus Christ. 
    When I was baptized into Christ, He redeemed me and adopted me as His own son; so I now belong to Him.  I strive daily to be more and more like Him.  Thus, I am a Christian.

    You ask what do I put first.  I put Jesus First.  Everything else is immaterial.  
      September 5, 2019 5:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for our reply.
      September 6, 2019 2:26 AM MDT

  • 34859
    Christian is not a race. 
    Buddist not a race. 

    But Jewish is 3 things. 
    Jewish = Race 
    Jewish = Religion
    Jewish = Nationality
      September 5, 2019 5:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Your take on this is very interesting m2c. Per the dictionary there are THREE RACES. Caucasian (includes Jews) Mongoloid and Negro. Now you say that Jews are a race and there are others who agree with you. I am not the one who said that. Some prodon woman began a speech with "The Christian RACE" and then corrected herself and said "the Christian religion". That is why I asked the question. How many Christians see themselves as a separate race? I am Armenian American Caucasian Christian. What are you? Thank you for your reply and Hpapy Friday to thee m2c.
      September 6, 2019 2:28 AM MDT

  • 34859
    I never heard of a Christian race. 
    But I know there are Jewish people who do not follow/believe Judaism. But refer to themselves as Jews. There are Christian/Messianic Jews. 
    I know there are Jewish converts. And there are black Jewish people. 
    I know Netanyahu said they are called Jews because the country used to be called Judah. This post was edited by my2cents at September 6, 2019 4:41 AM MDT
      September 6, 2019 4:39 AM MDT