What would the United States of America be like if the Founding Fathers did not include "the right to arm bears" as part of the second amendment? We would have freedom of speech, freedom of the press and the freedom to peacefully peaceably assemble and to address our grievances. But nothing about bearing arms or arming bears anywhere in there.
Would there be an NRA? Would homo saps hunt for food with knives and bows and arrows? There'd be the need for weapons for the military and certain professions like policing but for the ordinary everyday typical average citizen?
I know some of you cannot imagine such a world. For those who can how do you think it would have been and would be? Why?
The difference is that it's scary looking? Are you telling me that you can kill 27 people in 32 seconds with the top two rifles and the two hand guns on the left? No, no one wants to take away ALL your guns. I don't know how many times you have to be told that. Do you not think it's reasonable to have strict background checks to make sure that the people who have guns are not maniacs and eliminate the loophole of being able to buy a gun at a gun show and after 3 days if the seller doesn't hear back from the ATF they can sell the gun anyway? Do you think it's so unreasonable to make sure that people can't sell guns to one another without a background check? Even 79% of NRA members don't think that's unreasonable. What is wrong with you?