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Why does chump think he can win a trade war with China? WE OWE THEM $1.11 TRILLION in loans as of May 2019. WHAT DO THEY OWE US?

Posted - September 8, 2019


  • 46117
    My newest name for him is RUMP.  It fits and it is less letters.  He doesn't deserve any letters, but "he who must not be named",  is too long.

    So, Rump does NOT think.  

    That is why.  And this is proof positive that he does not think.   He "could" possibly win re-election, and YET he must prove to the world what a complete incompetent he really really IS.

    This deliberate slaughter of the USA economy and blinding and binding the American workers with loss of a major buyer(s) for their goods is suicidal for him and for this country.  


    See the source image This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 9, 2019 3:42 AM MDT
      September 8, 2019 1:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Awesome that a Republican dares do that. It seems that all of them are scairdy cats. Nice to know here and there one or two aren't scared of the orange-haired obese gibberish man. Thank you for your reply and the graphic Sharon! Happy Monday! :)
      September 9, 2019 3:44 AM MDT

  • 11306

    The US won't win a trade war with China. I know a couple of people here in Canada that have a commercial fishing business. They have started picking up new customers in China that used to buy sea food from the US they stopped because trading with the US has become too unreliable. Cheers! 

      September 8, 2019 1:38 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Not to mention the US was their go-t country for soybeans and now they are looking elsewhere to purchase them.  I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of recipes calling for soybeans now that the farmers are overloaded with them.
      September 8, 2019 10:26 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I am delighted Nanoose. I think the US should lose all our customers to Canada or Australia or whatever countries are led by rational human beings. Ours is led by an evil jacka** who is stoopid dumb beyond belief. Whatever comes about and accelerates the ruination of our nation is all due to him and the toady sycophants who worship at the shrine/alter of the steadfast jacka**! SIGH. More good luck to you m'dear. Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Monday! :)
      September 9, 2019 3:46 AM MDT

  • We created the Chinese monstrosity. It's a classic case of the creation turning on the creator. Much like a Frankenstein movie.
      September 8, 2019 1:58 PM MDT

  • 3719
    Really, no-one "wins" a trade war. Simply, one side is less harmed than the other.

    I doubt anyone now can beat China at its own game.
      September 8, 2019 2:10 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I wonder if the steadfast jacka** was assigned the task of weakening America by Putin to benefit Putin? A stretch? Perhaps. A possibility? Anything is possible isn't it Durdle? I'm going to ask because weakening America as he has couldn't possibly have been an inadvertent result. Could it? Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 9, 2019 7:55 AM MDT
      September 9, 2019 4:12 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I don't think he intends to weaken America. I think he is simply too naïve and clumsy to realise what the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China are doing for their own ends.

    It is they - and other anti-Western interests - who want the USA to be weak, and Trump is inept enough to help them without seeing it. He probably thinks Putin saw him as a genuine ally, though I am not sure why that would be in either party's interests.

    Possibly, the Russians thought Trump's campaign pledges on reviving dying industries, would bring a strong trading partner, bearing in mind no-one before the election is likely to have foreseen just how incompetent he would be on international affairs. 

    Further, they, or at least Putin and his supporters, probably also saw in Trump the sort of strong-minded, hard-Right, hard-capitalist, nationalist they respect. Alternatively, they had analysed the respective Parties' candidates and policies and when picking which to back by their interference-by-internet.  They could not have seen Trump's ignorance until he'd come to power. The real motives and plans of the Russian Federation are difficult to see, although we all know what they are doing.

    I don't know though, what the US/RF relationship is like now, though.

    The Russians cannot have been too happy when Trump blithely talked of buying Greenland, given that the Russian, Chinese and American governments are all eyeing up the Arctic for their own interests in the event of the ice retreating enough to allow greater access and open Polar navigation.  Trump is scientifically illiterate, and he calls climate-change a lie in public; but I wonder if secretly, he and his ministers are drawing up plans to exploit its effects; treating those that will seriously hurt parts of America as unfortunate by-products to be dealt with in due course. If so his throwaway comment might have been seen as an unfortunate slip, behind  closed White House and Pentagon doors.

    We also know both the US and the RF are edging towards a new arms-race, with both developing new forms of cruise rather than ballistic missiles very hard to detect and shoot down. Also, both powers are on opposite "sides" encouraging the continuing territorial and sectarian fighting and general chaos in the Middle East.

    Like you, though you can see his effects domestically, I regard Donald Trump as a very poor President who has done your country a lot of harm, and appears publicly as very foolish, ignorant, lacking social skills and hopeless at international diplomacy; but I fear he might also be very manipulative and scheming in his own way. 

      September 9, 2019 4:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
    By my reading this carefully thought out analysis I see that you think chump is not as evil a devil as I think he is. You give him more credit than I do Durdle. I see him as a hoor whose only goals is to enrich himself in any way he can including selling out his country and its citizens. His extreme love for despot dictators and defending them while he throws fellow Americans under the bus screams TRAITOR to me. So you think he is better than I think he is. Not as devious or cruel or evil or treasonous. I don't know who gets the better view? The one who is up close or the one who remains at arm's length. It is a question I shall ask. Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)
      September 9, 2019 7:59 AM MDT

  • 34851
    The only thing China can do it stop buying our bonds. It means someone else will buy them.

    China owes the USA nearly $1T from unpaid China bonds.

    This post was edited by my2cents at September 9, 2019 5:20 AM MDT
      September 9, 2019 4:58 AM MDT