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Why are some Americans so arrogant and/or so ignorant to assume that their own government is innocent of interfering in other countries’

politics?  The United States has approximately 200 years of experience in toppling or attempting to topple economies, commerce, trade, elections, regimes, stability, religious practices, cultural norms, leaders, leadership, etc OF OTHER COUNTRIES!  If such interference so utterly offends Americans when it happens to America, why have they been so hypocritically silent when the shoe is on the other foot?

Posted - September 10, 2019


  • 10052
    Good question!

    Our hypocrisy and arrogance are two big reasons why many people in other countries can't stand us. 

      September 10, 2019 8:13 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Not sure anyone does but if so I guess then it is wishful thinking.  Or they are willing to enjoy the fruits of such interference as long as they don't have to do it themselves which is rather a double standard.  Or they just bring it out of the closet when they want to rag on someone. This post was edited by officegirl at September 12, 2019 7:03 AM MDT
      September 10, 2019 10:23 AM MDT

  • 53703

      You’re not sure if anyone does?  We get several doses of it right here on this website whenever someone posts about how rosy things were before the most recent presidential election in comparison to the two centuries of history that preceded it. 

      September 11, 2019 9:03 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Indeed. Yes that would be what I suggested in my third sentence. 
      September 12, 2019 7:04 AM MDT

  • 53703
    The sentence you edited?

      September 12, 2019 7:09 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I corrected my "id" to "is". 
      September 12, 2019 7:30 AM MDT

  • 53703
      September 12, 2019 7:42 AM MDT

  • 423
    There's none so blind as they who WILL not see.
      September 11, 2019 2:14 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Well, this is fun.  It's time you started using your mind for other things besides sandwiches and tildes.   I know you have a unique take on politics, having served the Country and all.  So, I am happy to hear your take.

    However, I am not going to be nice to you about it.  (I KNOW, I KNOW, you probably are not used to my harsher side)

    Answer Number 1:  I do not know who these Americans are. But?  I totally believe you because there are no bigger dopes on the global scene including the Aborigionese (sp) who don't even own TVs, than the average American.  So, I am surprised that Average American even knows there are other countries.  I think they think there is Africa, and maybe Europe and Russia is part of that and then the Chinese have to come from somewhere so they must have some country.

    That is how the Average American that gets interviewed on the streets on TV talks.  So, where do we go from here?  The fact that they think they SPEAK AND OPEN THEIR MOUTHS and this stuff comes out?  I wish they would just go home and watch BLUE BLOODS or whatever turns them on and shut the f up and fry something greasy in their double-wide trailer.

    We are not DONALD TRUMP okay?  There are Americans who turn on the TV and watch other Americans who understand how BREXIT and Communism and Socialism and all the isms work.  We also hear from TOP PSYCHIATRISTS, TOP  BROADCASTERS who have been broadcasting since NIXON era, top PUNDITS, TOP NOTCH people who think.

    We are HERE.  And we are SICK and tired of infant wanna be political thinkers who do not know the ISSUES and are still allowed to vote.


    That might stop voter suppression since the voters will automatically supress themselves.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 12, 2019 9:16 AM MDT
      September 11, 2019 3:46 PM MDT

  • 2836

    Quite simply, Blind patriotic fervor fueled by greed, nationalism, xenophobia, and imperialist policies have produced the "Ugly American" and a country that is not "Great" as many choose to believe.

    For example, here is a little tale to chew on... 

    In 1942, Iran finally gained independence from foreign powers after years of war, strife, turmoil, misery. They became self-governing and self-reliant and finally, the Iranian people were able to choose a government & leader, Mohammad Mosaddegh.

    In 1953, Mohammad Mosaddegh was overthrown in a coup engineered by the British and American intelligence services who installed the bloodthirsty Fazlolla Zahedi as prime minister... The self-proclaimed  "Shah of Iran." 

    The US and Brits primary purposes were to keep the Soviets in check, to prevent Soviets from having a warm-water port, and get access to the Oil within Iran. The US and Britain did not care about the Iranian people.  The mighty western powers had and HAVE their own interests in mind.  

    After 26 years of brutal right-wing authoritarian rule by the Shah who was supported by the west, the people of Iran rose up in a dramatic revolution and took their country back.

    The Shah fled Iran rather than face punishment for his crimes against humanity.  The US gladly gave him shelter despite the Iranian people's plea to have him returned.  In a final act of anger and desperation, the Iranians overran the US embassy and took the staff hostage.

    Since then, the US and Iran have been at odds because the US refuses to cede to their criminal behavior.

    Stay Tuned for another exciting episode of  Yankee Imperialist Scumbag.
    Tomorrow boys and girls, we will discuss South America and the "Banana Republic

    This post was edited by Jon at September 12, 2019 5:31 PM MDT
      September 12, 2019 9:12 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I do think it's of some importance to mention that the Shah was dying of cancer when the US agreed to provide him asylum and the opportunity to seek medical treatment here. He died in the middle of the hostage crisis, as you probably know. 

    Maybe it's not important at all. I mean.. would the US have agreed to do the same for a cruel dictator who wasn't supportive of the West? Probably not. It probably just further illustrates the point that Americans are told to view people of other countries as 'good' or 'evil' based on whether or not they're supportive of this country, NOT based on whether or not they commit unspeakable atrocities against other or their own people. 

    I suppose it's not unlike all of the Trump supporters saying they don't care how horrible a human being he is or about the unspeakable things he's done and said. They only care that he claims to be a Christian, pro-life, pro-gun, anti-immigrant, etc., etc., etc.  
      September 12, 2019 12:49 PM MDT

  • 2836
    You are correct, Savvy. 
    I actually left that out or rather, I neglected to include it. 
    Shah Pahlavi was a brutal right-wing leader whose ranks included Augustine Pinochet which the US fully supported.  I hope his cancer was painful for what he did to people. 

    Truthfully, he should have been left to be torn apart by the people there. 
    Trump is rapidly becoming no different than the Sha, Pinochet, Batista, or any other of those scuzzy despotic autocrats. 
    Soon, the US will have it's dirty little war, people disappearing in the middle of the night. I truly believe that This post was edited by Jon at September 12, 2019 1:55 PM MDT
      September 12, 2019 1:55 PM MDT