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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The world embraced us on 9/11/2001. We had many friends worldwide then and our loss was shared by them. If it happened today who would hug?

The world embraced us on 9/11/2001. We had many friends worldwide then and our loss was shared by them. If it happened today who would hug?

We've alienated so many of them. We've lied to them and insulted them and attacked them verbally endlessly. We've broken agreements and treaties and promises. We've ignored them and turned to the despots and dictators in the world. I doubt they would stand by us and embrace us and send troops in to fight with us.

You reap what you sow. You plant weeds or poison the land nothing will grow. Remembering the America that used to be makes the sadness that much deeper. For me and I was on the other coast watching it on TV in horror along with millions of you. SIGH.

Posted - September 11, 2019


  • 3719
    I think many would set aside political differences, because attacks like that kill and injure innocent people who are simply carrying on their normal work or other aspects of life.

    It's your President and his Government, not Americans generally, who have upset so many people around the world. 
      September 13, 2019 3:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
     Well m'dear it is "we the people" (not me or others like me) who elected him and support him and defend him and cheer for him and protect him and attack others on his behalf. So it is due to US that he is where he is. It is due to us that he stays where he stays. It is due to us that he does what he does. You cannot possibly separate whom we are for the evil we support Durdle. I could not.

    I expect that selectively you like Americans. But do you really like the ones that attend his rallies and cheer him on delight in his racist speech and hateful attacks and the all the lies he tells they support? I'd be shocked if you did. I don't like them. How can you?

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Every day I wonder "is this the day chump will be taken down by his own hand"? Happy Saturday Durdle.
      September 14, 2019 2:55 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Interesting point. Don't forget my knowledge of America' internal politics and society is limited, but I am aware it is very unequal, divisive and divided.

    I don't "hate" people out of hand for holding unpleasant views I do not share at all, unless I know their own motives. For I cannot judge unknown individuals but believe most of them hold such poisonous views out of genuine ignorance, peer-pressure and personal background, rather than deliberate choice to be nasty individuals.

    However, I have no time for racism and general, divisive hatred in a political cause anyway. Ignorance and the negative communal attitudes it spawns are bad enough, buts even worse when ignorance cannot be an excuse. Such as when peddled by a leader apparently unable to grasp he is even seen abroad as a fool and a liar, and who should know better than gather support by stoking up old resentments and scapegoating among his fellow-citizens.

    Happy Saturday to you too!  
      September 14, 2019 9:03 AM MDT