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I get it that some druggies slide helpelessly into it from some medical necessity

But many people get into drugs by choice, intentionally and willingly. Do they assume they have immunity from the bad side of drugs that effects other people? Have they not heard of, or do they disbelieve in, the addictiveness of drugs, and the deleterious effects of drugs on health? Maybe some people get into drugs as a ready means of escaping a drab and unpleasant existence - possibly as an alternative to suicide? Is the 'high' that drugs provide, still worth suffering the negative side of drugs, and so wonderful that a great many intelligent, ostensibly sensible, people jump in too. Is it true the high obtained from (all?) drugs diminishes over time, requiring an increased dose.
I don't NOT do drugs because I disbelieve the delightful effect claimed, but because I know that once I do, it will be the devil's own job extricating myself, supposing I retain a will to do so - plus I'm cheap, and drugs generally aren't.   

Posted - September 12, 2019


  • 46117
    You are not getting it at all.  I can tell by the first sentence. 

    You think too much and you are very satisfied with the answers you give yourself.  There are factors that push one into doing drugs that have nothing to do with logic and everything to do with circumstance.  

    Think about that for a minute.

    I think that just because drugs are not your "thing" of choice in which to numb yourself.  That said, I promise you that you are addicted to something.  

    A food?  A job? Sex?  You are indulging in something you shouldn't be indulging in as much or as often as you do.  

    Not working.  Working too much.  We are all addicted to either food, or thoughts racing or something we could control if we only realized and knew better.

    You know better when it comes to pills  Others don't. And that is the answer. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 12, 2019 12:44 PM MDT
      September 12, 2019 12:37 PM MDT

  • 7939
    There's often an underlying issue which leads to the addition; depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, etc. Some partake to self-medicate.

    However, others partake because they do have a death wish, have stopped caring about themselves, are part of a drug culture in which using is normal/ expected, or because there's a disconnect in assessing the risk. Humans, in general, do a very poor job of making risk assessments. Drugs aren't the only example. We're overweight even though we know it leads to health conditions, we don't always wear our seatbelts, etc. 
      September 12, 2019 12:40 PM MDT

  • 423
    Don't take it personally old chap, I was proposing answers and making suggestions to promote discussion and encourage first hand information. But no, I am not wrong with the first sentence you take issue with - for I have known individuals who had no previous interest in drugs, some even expressed an aversion to them, but due to some medical catastrophe were prescribed them, and were never able to get off them and suffered the consequences up to death.
    I had a serious operation myself a few years ago, but felt it preferable to endure any pain rather than avail myself of the morphine drip. I don't want that stuff in my system.  
      September 12, 2019 12:48 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Who are you talking to, young chap?  I am not a chap.

    Hit the REPLY button when you answer a comment so we know who you are addressing.  It makes it easier for you.  
      September 12, 2019 1:19 PM MDT

  • 3523
    A large fraction of "druggies" are willing to forgo long-term affects for short-term relief from anxiety, depression and restlessness, much of which originates during childhood.  See this video:

    And, BTW, I am not a druggie. This post was edited by CallMeIshmael at September 12, 2019 10:38 PM MDT
      September 12, 2019 7:13 PM MDT