Discussion » Questions » Legal » Felicity Huffmann got 2 weeks in prison. WOW. I think she stinks.

Felicity Huffmann got 2 weeks in prison. WOW. I think she stinks.

Posted - September 13, 2019


  • 17660
    I think the judge had the right idea but it should have been more prison AND more fine.  The only part of this that has meaning to Huffman is the jail time.  It's Federal so she'll serve 85% of the sentence which is probably 12 days.  You can go in at night and that counts as a day, as does the day you leave.  So she is down to 10 days.  Since it's so expensive for intaking Federal prisoners, the conventional wisdom says she will do her ten days in the city or county jail and never see prison.  $30,000 is nothing to Huffman.  $100,000 and 60 days plus two years probation seems much more logical and correct.  I have not looked at the sentencing guidelines though.  Loughlin is probably throwing up nonstop.....She could face years and years unless she can still make a plea deal.  I believe her deadline has passed.
      September 13, 2019 11:35 PM MDT

  • 46117
    WOW.  I don't know if her sentence was initially two weeks. I think it was a month.  Not sure and it was finalized as two weeks in the end.  Regardless, she is suffering the MOST from the negative publicity.  That is what has killed her.  This embarrassment will never end.  Well, not during the next decade for her at least. And her kids will never look at her the same again unless she manages to undo this by making it right and not ACTING a ROLE.  Kids know.  And if she is a good person, which she probably is, she will learn from this public service and actually become a better version of herself.    She can focus inward and really look and see what she can do to change herself and make lives matter again for others to make up for her putting her kid first.  

    I agree with your sentence., but it should be harsher since she and hubby are wealthy beyond measure.  Now I do know the law is not supposed to work that way. OF COURSE.  But, for her personal growth, I think the longer sentence would make a bigger dent in her lead skull.  

    That is why this is so insane of her.  SHE COULD HAVE TAKEN GREAT CARE OF HER KID WITHOUT DOING ONE WRONG THING.    She could have sent her the best tutors, the best schools money could afford that the kid could actually GET INTO.  It is so stupid and she needs to be held accountable.  That is ONE year at least. SERVED in full.  

    Yes. I do have umbrage towards the entitled. I am not being jealous.  I am being frustrated because I can see how disconnected from reality they actually are.  They will NEVER learn. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 14, 2019 12:03 AM MDT
      September 13, 2019 11:58 PM MDT