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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Have you ever RIDICULED or MADE FUN OF someone with a life-threatening disease/condition? If so did it turn you on bigtime?

Have you ever RIDICULED or MADE FUN OF someone with a life-threatening disease/condition? If so did it turn you on bigtime?

Different strokes for different blokes. I guess.

Posted - September 14, 2019


  • 34845
      September 14, 2019 3:48 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Really? Does Asthma ring a bell?
      September 15, 2019 1:27 AM MDT

  • 34845
    I was not making fun of Biden. I do find it interesting....he his 5time deferments are not seen tbe same as Trump's 5time defermnts. They got the same medical deferment. To get this a medical doctor has to exam the person and make that determination. Trump was elijable for the draft 1yr after his bone spur deferment. His number did not come up. 

    I do find it interesting while talking/writing about his life Joe never mentions asthma but he he mentions being a baseball, lifeguard and football athelete...asthama would effect these things. Not empossible by any means. But something do deal with and manage. But no mention at all.  

    The rest of what I said about him is about his being obviously senile.  
      September 15, 2019 6:01 AM MDT

  • 14795
    No, only a dim witted fool would do things as crass as that Rosie....
      September 14, 2019 4:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Ever had asthma D? Years ago out of the blue for some reason for about 6 months I had it or something very close to it. I had to get an inhaler and learn how to use it. I never had a warning when it would hit. For six months I slept in a chair upright. It was the scariest thing I've ever been through. My ex-daughter-in-law had it and more than once my son had to rush her to the Emergency Room. Can you imagine being a soldier on the battlefield and having an attack? There are some conditions/diseases (is Asthma a disease?) people have that precludes them from serving in the military. Having epilepsy I imagine would be one of them. They are not draft dodgers or cowards. Having asthma is one thing. Having a fake bonespur is something else again. Also are you familiar with Anaphylaxis? That's when you are DEATHLY allergic to something. Like a peanut allergy for instance that can kill you? My son has that and his doom is walnuts or pecans. Walnut oil in a salad dressing can send him to the Emergency Room for a shot of adrenalin. He keeps an Epipen on him at all times. If you have that you are also not gonna be military material. Both asthma and having anaphylaxis can kill you if you don't get  immediate treatment. Having a fake bonespur? Highly doubtful. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee D! :) ((hugs))
      September 15, 2019 1:35 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Why are draft dodgers deemed  cowards Rosie ?  I have no wish to want to kill or seriously kill anyone...

    I think our leaders should be made to slog it out with each other...maybe then all wars will stop....
    What do you mean about bone spur Rosie ? 
      September 15, 2019 4:33 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Draft dodgers and conscientious objectors are different.  To not wish to fight is to not go and consciously object.  If you LIE you are dodging.  
      September 15, 2019 4:50 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Who has the right to order any individual to take up arms in any army or to force and person male or female to kil for whatever reason.... any country the land of the free. . .?
      September 15, 2019 5:14 PM MDT

  • 46117
    No one has any right to do anything.  The POINT is THE POINT?

    If you lie you are DODGING okay?  That's all I am saying, NJ.  I KNOW I WOULD NOT TAKE UP ARMS TO FIGHT.  UNLESS  IT WAS HITLER ENTERING MY COUNTRY.  Remember that?  That was something we ALL needed to take arms up against.  
    So, I don't judge others for having the COURAGE to do just that.

    I don't think killing is right. IF someone were to kill your boyfriend or your mom and dad, I promise you if you could you would stop them.  SO, do not knock those who try to defend us.  

    America still has an open registration to the military.  I'm sure if Trump wins we will be at war and we will be forced to go.

    SO, I hear you.  NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED. But if you LIE about it?  THEN YOU ARE A SNIVELING COWARDLY LIAR. Especially when you are pointing the finger at others like the Donald and his base keep doing.  Imagine picking on Joe Biden for dodging the draft.  He couldn't serve. He was legitimately ill.

    Trump paid someone to lie.  BIG HUGE DIFFERENCE.  This is about being forced to go kill people.  This is about draft dodging versus stating that you are not going because you are  objecting. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 16, 2019 3:35 PM MDT
      September 16, 2019 3:17 PM MDT

  • 14795
    It just befuddles me think that any government has the right to think they can order  individuals to kill...  Do it for your own reasons is kill someone who has killed your child ,parents, siblings whoever is forboden though...:(
      September 16, 2019 3:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    There is or used to be a CONSCIENCIOUS OBJECTOR classification for those whose religions FORBID them from killing. It was legal and an understandable reason for an exemption. Some served in the military anyway but made it clear they would never carry a gun or kill anyone. So they served as cooks or mechanics or doing office work or in the laundry or perhaps as entertainers. They served their country willingly but in a way that did not go against their beliefs. A bone spur is something you develop usually in your heel. Jim has had one. It can be painful. But they are treatable and curable and it is not life-threatening in any way. The way chump avoided the draft? His father Fred made a deal with a Doctor Braunstein who rented office space from Fred that if Braunstein would write a letter stating that chump's bone spurs made him ineligible for the draft that Fred would give Dr. Braunstein a good deal on the rent he paid. This was revealed by Dr. Braunstein's daughters. So apparently he complied FIVE TIMES. Which is why I refer to the the steadfast jacka** as the fake 5-time bone spur draft dodger.
    Whatever your convictions are are your convictions D. You have a right to them. But lie about them? Cheat to get out of doing something? Buy your way out? The guys who served in the military were usually those with no money or power or pull. They didn't have rich daddies who could buy them out of serving their country. However and this is VERY IMPORTANT. There are plenty of very wealthy young men who did not dodge anything. They served with distinction in the military and often paid a price for it by dying on a battlefield in a foreign country or coming home badly damaged for life. I believe the steadfast jacka** did not lie his way out of the draft for humanitarian or religious reasons. He had his daddy lie his way out because he was too busy screwing women and living the good life. My personal view. Is there anything else you'd like to know? Did I answer your questions? This post was edited by RosieG at September 16, 2019 2:44 PM MDT
      September 16, 2019 3:10 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I cannot see what religion has to do with anything rational Rosie ...You use the term "Legal" as well ...Why is it legal for a country to kill and not so for any individual that has just cause  !  
     I'm sure that the Second World War could have been prevented it the so called allied countries had done their jobs properly and stoped Germany reaming .......
    Why wasn't the Rothchilds and Krupts not prosecuted for making weapons  and the other for financing it....
      September 16, 2019 3:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I know you don't D. Despite your views there are some extremely highly INTELLIGENT people who are religious. You look at religion as a chldish fantasy I expect. I don't want to put words in your mouth. But you have always let us know how little respect you have for those who DO believe and of course that is your right. However for those of us who are not like you we take THOU SHALT NOT KILL seriously. I went to great lengths to explain Consciencious Objector to you. I guess it didn't sink in because you simply dismiss it as being irrational. So I give up on that front. As for "legal"? Whatever the folks in charge say is legal or acceptable is the law of the land. I expect the WHY is the same as the why to everything. Because might makes right and when might is in control it gets to say what is right. If I could shape the rules to suit me I would but I cannot so I simply speak about what bothers me and what I believe. I don't put down those like you who have no "religious" beliefs. I am not you. I am a child of my history and background and parents. I could no more change than you can change whom YOU are. So the best we can do is disagree respectfully. Now that is my opinion. Yours may be different. Different strokes for different folks. I go my way because it makes sense to me. It is RATIONAL and SENSIBLE and REASONABLE to me. I believe in miracles. You perhaps or probably do not. Well that's just the way it is. Why should that matter at all? I have brown eyes. I was born that way. If you dislike brown eyes  that's okay with me. But to chalk it up to "rational" would not be my cuppa tea. Thank you for your questions.  I try to answer them in the best way I can. I am not always successful but I try. As to why people aren't prosecuted for the crimes they commit you know the answer to that. The wealthy skate and the poor get stuck carrying the burden. Innocent people are convicted because corrupt cops set them up. Why? Because evil exists and rotten exists and wrongdoing exists and life is not fair. Beyond that I have no idea. Happy Tuesday. This post was edited by RosieG at September 17, 2019 2:01 AM MDT
      September 17, 2019 1:55 AM MDT