She might rather have more correctly said
"When you know better you SHOULD do better. Some do some don't"
Wanna know why? Because some folks are such blockheads they get irate when anyone tries to tell them anything. Like how to feed their kids more nutritious food so they will be healthier.And that exercise is better for their kids then sitting on their a**es playing computer games. GAWD FORBID you say that! GAWD FORBID!
Remember how the SH** hit the fan on that one when Michelle Obama wanted kids to get more exercise and learn how to grow vegetable gardens so they'd learn where the food comes from and how to grow it themselves?
She got so much flak for that.
Also and to whit when schools outlawed or tried to outlaw sugary drinks and candy in their vending machines and substituted healthier choices you'd think the Nazis marched in and took over their lives. What? My kid can't have the 6 cokes and 5 candy bars each day? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO THEM?
Folks tell you they have a right to do whatever the he** they want with their kids. Feed 'em crap to keep them sick and get them fat even. No one has a right to interfere with how they raise their kids. They are fat obese and ill themselves and so that's what they want for their kids. Period. End of story. BUTT OUT.
Hey okay. Have it your way. Raise mini yous. You brought your kids into this world you have the right to take them out with lousy food lousy drinks lousy sedentary lives. JUST LIKE YOU. Why not? Whose business is it but yours right? BUTT OUT!