Discussion » Questions » Jobs » Anyone have any idea on how a work study job would affect food stamps, and hud?

Anyone have any idea on how a work study job would affect food stamps, and hud?

      was curious but i cant ask them cause its the wknd, ive been going to school and get grants and that dont affect foodstamps or hud at all, i get medicaid but i doubt it would affect that since most of those jobs are part time. I get foodstamps and hud cause of being out of work. been going to school for over a yr and have tried to get work study jobs but never was able to get one, i went to a work study job fair and ive been getting emails from someone in marketing, yesterday they sent me one asking me when i can come for an interview and even told me to bring the paperwork they give you to have someone from work study fill it out for financial aid. i would love to get one of those cause i have a huge gap in my employment history thats making it hard to get hired, i plan on taking it but i was curious about the rest of it, any ideas?

Posted - September 10, 2016


  • 17660

    It's income.  It will affect it.

      September 11, 2016 6:46 PM MDT

  • 219

    I'm sorry.. I don't know.

    Just wanted to say Good luck to you :)

      September 12, 2016 1:06 PM MDT

  • 22891

    i dont care if it affects it, i was just curious

      September 12, 2016 1:34 PM MDT