Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Dam*! I missed it again R! The point. Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow path. Appreciations galore! Another obviosity that went right over my head! :(
It would be nice. Even with maximum ear protection, they're still loud. I try not to use my leaf blower any more than I absolutely have to, so as not to annoy my neighbors (they aren't as thoughtful).
Twice a month the Hemet streetsweeper comes around. Always on a Monday. So Jim does the leaf-blowing concert on Sunday afternoon. A few of the neighbors have gardeners who show up periodically and they use leaf blowers as well. I wish they could sound like a harp or something ethereal! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
Well ya see my Jim keeps track of when the street sweeper sweeps our streets...twice a month. The day before he blows all the crap into the street by the curb. I don't mind leaves. He does. Thank you for your reply E and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)