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Preserving the environment versus destroying it with harmful chemicals to make a buncha money. Which do you prefer/favor/support/defend and why?


Posted - September 11, 2016


  • 22891

    preserving it is better

      September 11, 2016 5:58 PM MDT

  • 124

    The first one is obviously better and the one I support. But I think there will be many who would choose the latter. Those who can't see further than instant gratification. 

      September 11, 2016 6:07 PM MDT

  • 113301

    It is. It seems odd to me that everyone doesn't agree with that. Thank you for your reply pearl! :)

      September 12, 2016 3:36 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I think profit is the motive that causes ordinarily reasonable people to forget everything else. It's the monee hunee. The more the better. Whatever it takes. Destruction is a small price to pay for  having more moola! Sad. Thank you for your reply stars and Happy Monday! :)

      September 12, 2016 3:37 AM MDT

  • 373

    Any sane person would say preserving the environment.

      September 14, 2016 2:40 PM MDT

  • 113301

    When Big Business is thwarted in their quest to make money due to environmental rules they rail and rant and complain and sue. So they are insane, right? Thank you for your reply C&D! :)

      September 15, 2016 2:45 AM MDT

  • 628

    Hello there Rosie...

    I think both will happen.

    I think going forward, the money will be made in more environmentally friendly ideas and products.

    I think we need to make a move towards cleaner environments. We have to.

    As you know, I have been working on a redesign for an urban environment. I am using Gary, Indiana for this project.

    I am doing this to fill spare time and to exercise my mind. The goal is to create a zero emissions city, moving from an automobile based structure to a pedestrian based center. A city which produces its own clean energy and completely recycles its waste. It takes advantage of the nature in which it shares it space. A city which seeks to reduce its footprint on the earth. Just think of how much space we could save by eliminating the car from the main component of its design. How much space in an urban center is currently dedicated to the individual car, the roads and parking that are necessary is a tremendous waste of space, causing the need to spread out its structures.

    I get frustrated when I hear about "Infrastructure spending", because I know they are talking about about just "repaving:" our existing ways and not really moving us towards a different way. Instead of repaving old roads and adding more, only to invite more of the same, we should be looking at real ways to get rid of roads as they currently function. We should be looking at new ways to produce and store energy, to use nature to assist us in our cleaning and sustaining of the environment, to recycle what we use.

    I know that government cant alone accomplish this, that it will take private industry as well. My ideas for my plan for Gary rely on private industry for all its development, from demolition of the existing to the construction of the new.

    I believe the companies that move us to a more environmentally friendly use of our resources will be the most profitable in the future. Look at Tesla for example, the Tesla is the most popular car where I live. I see them all the time.

    I know Tesla is also working on energy storage systems for the residential market. Imagine if the buildings of a city could cleanly produce and store enough energy to meet its own energy needs. This will require both new methods of producing energy and new methods of conserving it.

    Energy that relies on burning something is a waste in every measure, the energy it takes to produce it, distribute it and burn it. It seems we go through more energy resources producing and delivering the energy we use now than we do from the use of the energy. We cannot sustain this. But here we are, fighting to build more massive pipelines to move oil around.

    I do realize that in pursuing these goals it will take existing technologies, The demolition of the existing structures in my Gary project will rely on gas powered machinery. Tesla doesn't make a battery operated bulldozer yet. But im ok with burning the gas now to create something that doesnt need it later.

    Its gonna take time, It is not just a matter of developing new technologies, but accepting them as well. Take the Prius for example. There people who love it, as evidenced by its popularity, and there are people who hate it. They hate it because it asks them to move away from their familiar and comfortable, which is the reason people reject change in the first place. As these new technologies improve, minds will change. I admit, I am not ready to trade in my motorcycle for an electric scooter just yet, well in all fairness, I don't think there is one available now that would get me up hwy.84 in the same way my motorcycle does, however when it is available, I ll take one.

    So in a more direct answer to your question, Yes, I am for preserving the environment through a process of change. and I believe those who facilitate that change are gonna make a ton of money...

      September 15, 2016 3:27 PM MDT

  • 628

    and as always, have a wonderful day

      September 16, 2016 8:51 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Right backatcha my friend! :) We've had some rather pleasant weather the last couple of days. Today will be 98 and tomorrow 103. Hopefully that will be the last gasp of hot summer weather! Bet your weather up north is better des!  :)

      September 17, 2016 3:43 AM MDT

  • 628

    Mornin Rosie..

    It has been quite nice up here...

    I rebuilt another motorcycle and have been spending the past few weekends on it. I think this weekend may be the last riding for the year. Gonna take a ride down to big basin and Santa Cruz today..

    should be a great ride...

    Have a great weekend and stay cool...

      September 17, 2016 4:06 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Are  you keeping these ideas/plans all to yourself des? It seems to me that someone who cares about preservation would snap you up and want you to be aan integral part of it. Have you contacted the City of Gary? What about all the wealthy family Foundations that exist? The ones you see rolling on the screen after a great PBS documentary?  Of course excluding any owned/operated by politicians. I think what you are doing is phenomenal but  unless you are a billionaire and I don't think you are  then funding would have to come from other sources. Wouldn't you like to have a very wealthy environmentally conscious person/backer/supporter/funder? I don't know how you would go about it but I bet you do! Anyway congrats and good luck and I hope someone who can be of help to you will notice and find you and want to work with you. Keep on truckin' my friend! Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply!  :)

      September 17, 2016 4:38 AM MDT

  • 113301

      Ride safe. You know my son Rich and Jim's son Gary have had motorcyles for years. Old School used to have one too a few years ago. Jim had one many years before we met and in fact he took me for a short ride on Gary's motorcyle years ago.  Thanks for the photo though I can't really see your face. Happy trails des! :)

      September 17, 2016 4:42 AM MDT