Since it's up to them to CLEAN UP OUR MESS it's swell as he** that they are getting a HEAD START on it NOW.
Some pooh pooh them. Climate change DENIERS abhor them and insult them and attack them and denigrate them and lie about them. 24/7. Truth in any size or age horrifies them. But the NERVE of these young people to think they have anything important to say or do or contribute is something they will not tolerate. Just watch how they go out of their way to sabotage undermine vilify.
Ya know why? The kids are showing them up for what they are. Inept impotent incompetent nincompoops! Who is gonna take that lying down?
Watch. On these threads you see the fury and terror within them. Poor saps. They have no clue what a mighty force truth in the hands of the young can be or do. They will find that out as they flail about capsized by their own ignorant politics.