Big decisions come only rarely in my life - education, work, where to live, who I partnered.
I've made some very foolish ones in the past and learned from them.
On a day to day basis, for decades, my life has been governed by tiny decisions based on healthy living. I'd call them good. No drugs or cigarettes, ¼ glass of wine on special occasions only, healthy food, moderate exercise, no debt, no gambling... etc.
The exact number of decisions today - impossible to guess. I've agreed to spend time with Ari volunteering at a chai stall. It's for the opening of the new community gardens at a nearby village. We'll leave in about half an hour - whenever he decides. We'll be making micro-decisions moment by moment on how to give the best service. We'll probably be permitted a break and decide to buy a light vegetarian lunch snack, something nutritious and yummy. At some point, we'll make the decision when it's time to pack up and come home. This evening, I look in our home veggie patch, the fridge and the cupboard to decide what I'll cook for dinner. After dinner, I may work on a new poem, on write the course-notes on a sub-topic of horsemanship - or if I'm too tired I may just watch TV which is usually so boring that it sends me to sleep.