Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The impeachable offense is ASKING for help from a foreign power to meddle in an election. Quid pro quo is the icing not the cake. WHAT?
Yes. There is only a yes. He broke the law and then tried to break it into tiny pieces and then he does it again and we have another Whistle that is blowing hard.
I know and isn't it way cool fun what's coming next? All the dams have holes and they are going to break at once drowning the steadfast jacka**, his cabal et al. Let the games begin! Fun ahead! Thank you for your reply Sharon. It is so comforting to me that the steadfast jacka** has incurable mouth diarrhea. He will keep talking himself into a certain impeachment and REMOVAL from office. Oh joy! :)
Just amazing. Trump HAS to do every single thing himself. He fired everybody, he wants to be the big boss. SO he has to be the big boss and fire himself? He is beyond nuts. BEYOND.
NO. NO TOM. Do not let her do that to you. BIDEN DIDN'T DO A THING wrong. HE WAS CLEARED before any of this happened. So, the whole thing is moot. THEY ARE LIARS. You know this.
On the off chance that anybody besides me and her read our responses to each other, I try to isolate the syllogisms and deal individually with each one as it's presented.
Threatening to withhold US foreign aid unless the person being spoken to provides dirt on a political opponent is blackmail and not the slightest bit legal. It ranks just below bribery, which he is also guilty of but that happened before he became President.
Corruption. We gave $3B and $1.8B of that disappeared.....it happens that it is believed Biden's company was involved in that money disappearing. We should know where our money went.