Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Do you give people credit for doing what they are supposed to do or only for going ABOVE and BEYOND and doing more? Why?
I think I would reserve it for someone who had gone above and beyond.. it may not be much above and beyond but where it was clear they had put that little bit extra, had been kind, caring, humane.. I'd want to thank them and for them to have credit for that.. I know from being on the end of praise and thanks, it really does make your day to know you are appreciated.
I agree with thee Addb. When you praise people for doing what they are supposed to do you make it seem extraordinary when it isn't extraordianry at all. When the bar is lowered so far that is rests in the dirt (chump is a good example of no bar) it is meaningless. In my opinion. Thank you for your reply! :)
Few of us give credit to someone who's just "doing their job" (doing what they're supposed to do). For example, it's the trashman's job to pick up my trash each week. I expect him to do it (and if he forgets, I will complain). However, if I forget to put my cans out by the curb and he comes and empties them anyhow, then I'll thank him. (heck, I'd thank them if they managed for once not leave the empty cans upside down in the middle of the street.) Unfortunately, many people want thanked for simply "doing their job". If they don't get thanked they try to retaliate (i.e. give bad service). Politicians are a prime example of this. They grow to think they are big shots, deserving of thanks, recognition and money... for doing (less than) what they were elected to do.
The bar is so low for chump it is non-existent. If he didn't blow up the world today he gets heaped with praise. Riddikalus? Of course but there it is. I think people should be EXPECTED to do their jobs just as they should be expected to TELL THE TRUTH. No rewards or fame or money for it. But in today's world sheesh anything goes. I thank folks for providing a service. I don't reward them for it or praise them for it. I am simply being polite. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. See? I just thanked you for showing up and responding. I think it's the least I can do for your time investment. :)
Pretty much yes, in my head. I probably don't say it all that often unless there's a good reason, such as the other feeling down and needing encouragement.
But it depends on the job, the person, the situation and the relationship. I've given tremendous encouragement to a young autistic adult (21 years old) for finally managing all the steps necessary to make a simple lunch. I've haven't bothered to congratulate a poet who's had her work accepted in a prestigious magazine for the umpteenth time - just because it was expected - her work is so good, no one would dare not publish her.
Above and beyond -- I admire it greatly and wonder how people manage it, and at what cost to themselves or others in their lives.
When one thinks about how high the bar is at the top level, and how many billions of people there are on this planet, go above and beyond is truly an extraordinary achievement.
Most of us struggle and often suffer just to achieve our best.
This post was edited by inky at October 7, 2019 3:39 AM MDT
For years "the bar" has been getting lowered more and more. Sad that. The less qualified you are the lower the bar and so now the bar is on the ground. Can it go lower? Well the bar for the steadfast jacka** is now many feet belowground. I'm just sayin'. You get what you are willing to settle for. Seems logical. Thank you for your thoughtul reply Addb! :)