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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Laws. Rules. Regulations.They don't change what people think but try to control what they do. So laws to outlaw racism/bigotry do nothing to change anyone. Too bad, isn't it?

Laws. Rules. Regulations.They don't change what people think but try to control what they do. So laws to outlaw racism/bigotry do nothing to change anyone. Too bad, isn't it?

Racists and bigots don't magically change their minds and hearts just because a law forbids them to act on that hate.  The best we can do is contain/restrict actions but sometimes even that doesn't work. Too bad tolerance and fairness doesn't work from outside in and can only occur inside out. You cannot legislate/force people to like those whom they hate. Or love those whom they despise. Or help those for whom they nothing but contempt. Maybe one day?

Posted - September 12, 2016


  • I think laws do influence people's thinking and behaviour.

    Certainly, they won't sway everyone - but when a law has been in place long enough that everyone has grown up with it, most people take it for granted.

    For instance, in Australia the vast majority thin it is right that voting should be compulsory; while Americans believe it should be voluntary -- just a matter of norms and familiarity.

      September 12, 2016 5:30 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you for your answer hartfire. I have in mind laws that prohibit discrimination. Racists/bigots/hatemongers/homophobic folks still hate the same people. No law is going to ever change that.  The Civil Rights Act passed in  1964 was gutted a couple of years ago by the  Supreme Court who said that it was no longer necessary since voting is no longer a problem. That is a huge lie. Governors of red states illegally are passing laws to reduce the number of days you can vote, the number of hours and the number of locations. Further they are requiring documentation they never required before. They are targeting the African American vote, the vote of old folks and the very young such as college students. They  want to make it very difficult to vote for those who would not vote for Republicans. They break the law of the land without compunction. It goes to court and they are told to cease and desist but they keep it up anyway. It is quite disgusting. The people who promote this travesty are disgusting. Those who support it are disgusting. In my opinion. Apologies for the rant. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday hartfire! :)

      September 12, 2016 7:41 AM MDT

  • 1615

    If the groups of people who think they are not treated properly would treat people with respect and grow up and get rid of their attitude maybe they would be accepted more. just a thought. 

      September 12, 2016 8:21 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello T:

    Yeah, them uppity blacks..


      September 12, 2016 8:25 AM MDT

  • 113301

    AARRGGHH! That will be totally lost on him excon but I appreciate it! :)

      September 12, 2016 11:10 AM MDT

  • Actually laws targeting bigotry,sexism, and racism often have the unintended opposite effect of increasing and strengthening these things.
    The problem is these hatreds often come from a perception of other groups being a threat. When laws are enacted to target racism, bigotry, and sexism the perception of these groups being a threat are increased,proven, and cemented into the mind of the bigot.

    They also further instill the idea that these groups are inferior to the bigot since they obviously need the law to protect them and raise them up. It's a very big and hard to handle problem.
      September 12, 2016 3:00 PM MDT

  • See U-tube video by Joy DeGuy Leary. How PTSD passes down through generations. Similar things happen in the cognitive dissonance passed down through racist families. For racism to heal, a person must WANT to heal it and actively seek the means. However, there are social ways to assist change, starting with laws.

    1. education starting from babyhood in child-minding centers and kindergarten, and continuing through to university and adult education, built into staff training, syllabus, sport, art, every activity shared.

    2. At national level, sue the States which pass illegal legislation. The constitution guarantees that all citizens must have equal rights. Keep sueing until equal opportunity is achieved.

    3. Deal with the economic problems that are the root cause of racism. All over the world, when sociologists examine racism, they find it comes from a fear of economic threat - either competition limiting opportunities to work, or fear of loss of privilege - when there is enough for everyone people relax and stop fearing and hating. When capitalism seeks too much profit it seeks to keep and excess labour market constantly

    need to go , more later...

      September 12, 2016 4:01 PM MDT

  • Not nearly as simple as that.

    Here in Australia we have many Aboriginals who grew up on Missions (concentration camps run by Christian missionaries (all different denominations), training children stolen from their parents to become servants to whites.).

    Aboriginals with this background tend to be unfailingly polite and friendly, never showing "attitude," acting much more like Christians should than most Christians do. But they still get treated badly by a very high percentage of whites for no other reason than skin colour and facial type.

    I'd wager a bet the same happens to blacks and other non-whites in the States who are carefully pacifist and non-violent in language and behaviour.

    When will all people realise that we all the same needs as human beings, and the same rights to have those needs respected.? What can we do to help it come to pass?

      September 13, 2016 3:09 AM MDT

  • 1615

      September 13, 2016 11:18 AM MDT

  • 113301

    "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me". Lyrics that aplpy to everyone everywhere. You can only control what YOU do and say and that is all you are responsible for. Hopefully others will look to you and people like you for guidance and as role models . The best thing you can do for anyone else is to be a good example. In my opinion hartfire. Thank you for your reply! :) There was an episode of Twilight Zone I believe years ago  titled "People are the same all over". All over the galaxy/universe.  That is not comforting to me. :)

      September 14, 2016 5:21 AM MDT

  • 113301

     So you lose either way.  That 's lousy! Thank you for your thoughtful reply RR and Happy Wednesday! :)

      September 14, 2016 5:22 AM MDT

  • 1615

    Your phoniness comes thru very clear who do you think you're kidding.

     You and Hillary would make a good pair.oops forgot you already are two peas in a pod.

      September 14, 2016 8:43 AM MDT