All to avoid important issues. Too lazy to write other news.
Ahem. Pardon me while I step out of character for a moment and actually try to DEFEND the MSM. :-) It's kind of hard to discuss the 'really important issues' while each candidate is locked into a contest to say or do the stupidest things imaginable. Until yesterday, Trump had a lock on the "Most Asinine Comments Ever" category, but Clinton easily topped him with her "basket of deplorables" jab.
So...again in the media's defense, what real news is there to cover when each of the horses in this race is doing his/her best to be an a$$tard!? In any editorial decision involving a choice between covering the relatively 'ho-hum' tragedies of Aleppo or the brutal act(s) du jour of ISIS, a$$tardery always wins.
Do you listen to the news all day long?
On and off...yes. :-) I'm a news junkie from a long line of news junkies. My dad was a journalist back in the day. Back when journalists were actually...gasp!...journalists!