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Can you name six things in the miscellaneous drawer in your kitchen without looking?

rubber bands, twist ties, screw driver, tape measure, pot holders, coupons, I'll add to this later.  It's only six for me for now.  That's why I only asked for six from you; to be fair.  You know.

Posted - October 17, 2019


  • 17653
    screw driver
    freezer tape
    packing tape
    electrical tape
    bag ties
    clothes pins
    extra cabinet hardware
    furniture glides

    This post was edited by Thriftymaid at November 7, 2022 3:45 PM MST
      October 18, 2019 12:21 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Paring knife - unused
    Can opener
    Letter opener
    Cake server
    Jar opener
    Extra large cooking spoon

      October 19, 2019 7:54 AM MDT

  • 7809
    1. Braided wire wrap
    2. Duct tape
    3. An old Star Wars poster
    4. USB Cable
    5. Nylon work gloves
    6. Anal lube This post was edited by Zack at November 7, 2022 3:46 PM MST
      October 19, 2019 8:05 AM MDT

  • 53669


    10. Tilde separator clips
    9. Tilde labeling device
    8. Protective sleeves for storing tildes individually
    7. Commemorative entry passes to Tilde Camp in Santa Fe, New Mexico 
    6. Long-expired coupons for tilde discounts
    5. Weathered and dog-eared centerfold pages from various issues Tilde World magazine Model of the Month (ok, so I used to have a problem, I’m all better now)
    4. Maintenance records for semi-annual inspections of my heavy-duty, all-weather, airtight, fireproof and water-resistant tilde vaults
    3. Manuscripts for the numerous tilde-related essays, plays, children’s books, editorials, novellas, speeches, commercials, news reports, screenplays, comic books, erotica, bond measure proposals, relationship advice columns, manifestos, documentaries, autobiographical snippets, dictionaries, maps, auction schedules, human interest pieces, anthologies, and historical reference books I’ve written over the years (somehow, they’ve all been rejected, and I can’t figure out why)
    2. A cleaning kit specifically made for older tildes 
    1. All of my souvenir tilde magnets from foreign countries that I’ve visited (my wife has threatened to divorce me if I ever put them back on the refrigerator again)

      November 7, 2022 11:59 AM MST

  • 1952
    Packing tape
    Old ashtrays
    Ink pens
    Rolling papers
    Safety pins 
    And a crapload of other junk
      November 7, 2022 1:47 PM MST

  • 7809
    1. Ice pick
    2. Duct Tape
    3. Egg beater
    4. Twine
    5. Potato Peeler
    6. Nails
      November 7, 2022 2:31 PM MST

  • 34998
    Light bulbs
    Light switches
    Cords for griddle
    Lg spoons, spatulas, laddles
      November 8, 2022 6:44 AM MST