Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Tumbleweed trump signals trigger INSIDER TRADING? TT sez talks with China are resuming market goes up. EVERY TIME. Coinkydink?

Tumbleweed trump signals trigger INSIDER TRADING? TT sez talks with China are resuming market goes up. EVERY TIME. Coinkydink?

Or does Tumbleweed trump give a heads up to billionaires to buy low and then he sez his say and they make  BIGLY money? Why not? The tumbleweed is all about making himself richer and as he goes so goes his rich pals. COLLUSION in plain sight alright? Clever tumbleweed. Jerks the market around. up and down and up and down and up and down on his words. Buy low sell high. My oh my. Another scam. Imagine THAT?

Posted - October 19, 2019


  • 35005
    The markets respond to words and actions of the President? Explains a lot. The market has increased 7000 pts in just 3yrs. Starting from record highs not from a recession. 
      October 19, 2019 6:14 AM MDT