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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Foreign money is entangled with everything trump does. Could Russian cells have been here years waiting patiently for a dupe to show up?

Foreign money is entangled with everything trump does. Could Russian cells have been here years waiting patiently for a dupe to show up?

On Putin's orders they were activated and actionized once Putin secured the strings on the puppet trump?.

I have read that espionage spy cells are very patient and will establish themselves in a country they plan to sabotage/ndermine but will wait for years to be given the go-ahead. Was trump that signal to them to "go ahead"?

Posted - October 19, 2019


  • 46117
    Yeah.  It is amazing what you will do when you have no economy and are desperate because your one source of money has dwindled to $hit.  Thank you PUTIN.  

    Sure they are here.  Just like we are probably everywhere too.  
      October 19, 2019 10:08 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We may be everywhere Sharon but doing what? Rolling over for despot dictators by the bazillions? We couldda been someone. We couldda been a contender instead of a bum which is what we have become under the master bum chump trump.
      October 20, 2019 5:03 AM MDT

  • 11389
    I think there were lots of Russian cells in America and Canada waiting for dupes like Harper and Trump to show up. I used to watch a TV series called "The Americans" it was about Russian sleeper cells. Cheers and happy weekend! 
      October 19, 2019 10:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Sad to say I agree with thee Nanoose. Usually we agree and I'm never sad but well there is a first time for everything! Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thy! :)
      October 20, 2019 4:54 AM MDT