It's the Lane Departure Warning in new cars and trucks. I can definitely live without it. It goes off when the white line on the side of the road ends, it goes off when I go through intersections and it never shuts up in construction zones. It's supposed to shut up when I have the turn signal on but it doesn't.
Cars and trucks that have it have 10% more accidents. I can't imagine why.
Geez, I had not heard of that since I own an older car. I thought GPS devices were annoying when you didn't follow their instructions to the letter.
I can believe warning going off too often could be a hazard.
I could live without all of them now, but I suppose I'd miss my PC the most. I never fell for a 'smart' phone (a/k/a government leash) craze. There's just something about fads that turn me off.
My PC would be the very last device I would give up too. It keeps me connected. Unlike a cell phone, I don't feel as obligated to tend to it unless it's on my time. There is something about cell phones that make some people think you should be answering their texts and calls at any hour. People can't believe I leave home without it a lot of times when running simple errands.
I agree ..... "Cellphone"
Definitely. I wonder if I could take it to a shelter or something. LOL
Any of them.
Even your PC? I would be lost without mine.
Cell phone, I never use it anyway.
Good answer, good answer. I hate mine except when I am sitting in a doctor's office and want to go online and kill time.
I would rather count the squares in the celling.
Don't get me wrong. I have an industrial strength flip phone, but I don't text on it. I can text from my PC if I have to using the mms. protocol, but I generally don't. I also have a tablet on which I play games and visit sites I'd never wanna visit using my PC, but I could live without all of them--except the PC. :-)
I've already done that using the camera on your cellphone. You have eighty seven. :-)
My Dell laptop. Take it. I have two new ones still in boxes. That Dell has been a jewel but the keys are beginning to fail. I have worn it slap out. (Now that is a true Southern expression).