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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A 13-year-old boy caught a fish that weighed 67.1 lbs. What's the biggest fish you ever caught? For true or is this a fishy reply?

A 13-year-old boy caught a fish that weighed 67.1 lbs. What's the biggest fish you ever caught? For true or is this a fishy reply?

Posted - October 29, 2019


  • 14795
    It has to be the one I live with Rosie, albeit ,it wasn't me that did the catching....:)D 
      October 29, 2019 5:21 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What kind of fish sweetie? A whale a shark a flounder a minnow? All fish are not alike What's your cuppa tea fishwise D? Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 29, 2019 5:25 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I think I was the little fish that got hooked back then Rosie.   :) 
      October 29, 2019 6:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Are you petite, dainty D? How tall? I was 5' 6-1/2" tall at my tallest. I am still 5'6" tall which is an incredible thing at my age I guess. My sister used to be 5'10" and is now 5'6" like me. Bad back. Same with Jim. When we met he was 5'10 and now he is also 5'6" with the same kind of back problems my baby sister has. So far so good. Why I do not know. Thank you for your reply! I vary from 117-120 lbs weight-wise. I have hungry days and other days when I'm not so much. I just go where my appetite leads me! :)
      October 29, 2019 6:42 AM MDT

  • 14795
    5'2"and a bit Rosie...I weigh around 50 kg or 8 stone and some....  I'm petite and curvy like my sisters and my mother..  We are all quite active 

    My two sister are much like me body wise and three brothers burly like my youngest brothers is a bit smaller
      October 29, 2019 7:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So I'd "tower" over you. I don't know what 50kb or 8 stone translates to in pounds but I can Google it. I have no butt so curvy I never was. And as we age gravity takes over EVERYTHING so what used to be perky droops. That's life! Thank you for the info D! Are you in the process of building anything currently? What's the biggest thing you've ever been involved in building/Construction?
      October 29, 2019 7:07 AM MDT

  • 14795
    When I worked with my dad and brothers ,he built anything and did some pretty wired thing for people...
    i use to make things like hardwood tables ,wardrobes ,kitchen units ,doors ,the weight of things was my only problem...
    I've worked on boats and helped fit out  canal house barges ....helped build tree houses 

    There are 14 pounds to a around 112 lbs plus a bit more now may be..possibly 120 lbs 
    At the moment ,I'm making two solid oak bedside tables....two feet high ,eighteen inchs high and deep .....the oak is 12" wide by 2" thick   They are very modern and of an open design...

    And I'm still very
      October 29, 2019 9:14 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my gosh D you are just like my grandfather! He had a store in Highland Park, Michigan many decades ago called PARIS WOODWORKS. He was a true artist. He made furniture and did marquetry and even did a picture all in wood. I'm not kidding. From a distance it looked like an oil painting. But it was just inlaid work of many kinds of wood of a group of people dressed in classic greek or roman clothing. Flowing robes. Beautifully and intricately coiffed hair. So fine he even showed eyelashes. It was breathtaking. He would get commissions from hotels. I LOVED going into the shop. I was only 3 but the first thing to greet me was the smell of the wood shavings. Oak is very hard wood right? It must be more difficult to work with than a softer wood. Anyway I had no idea the variety of things you know how to do. If we were neighbors I'd commission you to make a table with an inlay of a unicorn. I can see it now. Anyway thank you for telling me in detail about exactly what you know how to do. I am very impressed. As for perky it doesn't start till you're in your 50's. And maybe it isn't something that everyone experiences. Happy Wednesday to thee D! :)
      October 30, 2019 1:54 AM MDT

  • 14795
    My mums still perky Rosie and after six kids as dads a lucky chap and works with her to keep her fit as well I think....
    Im sure the the regular release of endorphins keeps you fit and's certainly makes your skin glow for ages

    Oak is quite hard and dense...hard to cut if it's thick as well....
    .They use to make warships out of oak and it took 6000 trees to construct just one...
    A cannon ball would still go through it and injure many with the splinters....
    There is one type of oak thst is so hard and dense that a cannon ball will only dent though...
    i can't remember it's name though....
    i might try and and take some photos of what I've just made when they are finished..

    There are so many talented people that mess with wood.....
    oak dust and mahogany plus many other species of tress are and irritant to you skin and lungs's makes you ich for ages....I often smell of wood when I get
      October 30, 2019 5:21 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I've only gone fishing once in my lifetime.  I caught three porgies which are relatively small fish.
      October 29, 2019 9:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I've only gone fishing once in my life too L. It was on a date at the beach in Ventura and it was SURFCASTSING. I don't know if that counts as fishing though. I was in my late teens and I don't remember catching anything. But my date showed me how to cast the line and it was fun. But that's it. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
      October 30, 2019 1:57 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Mine was on a date, too.  But once was enough for me.  :)
      October 30, 2019 5:23 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I've never gone fishing.  No one took me.  This is the only fish I have gone fishing for.    In a store.

    Beautiful Red Orange Goldfish Pet in House Tank or Aquarium. : Stock Photo This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 30, 2019 1:57 AM MDT
      October 29, 2019 9:43 AM MDT

  • 35005
    If you lived closer, I would take you fishing. 
      October 29, 2019 9:45 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I would go.  You and I could make dinner.  
      October 29, 2019 9:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    As I told Spunky I've only been "fishing" once and I don't know if you can actually call it fishing. It was surfcasting on a beach in Ventura. It was fun but I don't remember catching anything. Thank you for your reply Sharon and the graphic. My sis had 3 goldfish all of whom died. She named them but I only remember one of the names. FANTASIA! They all 3 bellied up. It is not a pretty sight. Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 30, 2019 1:59 AM MDT

  • 35005
    I caught a 7 lb carp about 10 yrs ago. We do not normally keep the carp but I wanted him.  He was good. Very fun to bring him in. 

    Other than that several 2-3 catfish, bass and rainbow trout.

    I want go fishing now. We did not make it out this year. 
      October 29, 2019 10:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    As I told both Spunky and Sharon I only went "fishing" once and it was surfcasting on a beach in Ventura, California when I was about 19. There were others out there too and I didn't know that so close into the shore there would be fish. I mostly remember learning the proper way to cast the line, the warmth of the sun and the beauty of the surroundings. That was my one go at it. I worked with a guy years ago who would go out of San Diego EVERY WEEKEND to fish. Deep-sea fishing?  I don't know how far out the boat would go. Anyway from time to time he'd bring some smoked whitefish into the office for us. Oh my gosh it was SO DELICIOUS m2c! He had his own smoker and it was just the wood that "flavored" it. I can't stand that liquid smoke. Yuck. Anyway he'd bring POUNDS of it and put it in the fridge for us to take. I've never had smoked fish that good. Do you have a smoker? Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
      October 30, 2019 2:07 AM MDT

  • 35005
    We have a smoker grill but prefer out fish deep fried. 
      October 30, 2019 4:53 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You can't be serous m2c! Deep-fry fish? Why? They're not potatoes or hush puppies or donuts. I either poach fish or pan-fry/braise it because fish is very delicate. I haven't deep-fried anything for decades. You still do? How come? What kind of coating do you use and what kind of oil do you fry it in...canola oil I hope. That and olive oil is heart-healthy. But I still don't deep-fry. The last thing I deep-fried was about 20 years ago when my son and his then-wife were visiting us. We were living in Riverside at the time. I had a killer recipe for coconut shrimp which we had first enjoyed in Honolulu when my son was getting his Master's Degree and we flew there for his graduation. It was to die for it was so good. So a client of Jim's (he is a retired hair stylist) gave him a recipe for coconut shrimp after he told her about our eating it at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel right on the beach at the Mai Tai Bar! Anyway that's the last thing I deep fried! Thank you for your reply m2c! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 30, 2019 5:03 AM MDT
      October 30, 2019 5:01 AM MDT

  • 35005
    Yes, cause it is good.  We use Kentucky Kernal batter with some added spices. 
    We deep fry with canola and olive oil. 
    Fish, chicken, fries, etc. Coconut shrimp is the best. 

    We made some swai catfish and shrimp a couple weeks ago. 

      October 30, 2019 5:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That's my girl! The combo canola and olive oils! A+ for that m2c. Seriously. A+. Do you mean KFC? Kentucky Fried Chicken per the Colonel? Where did you get that recipe? I thought it was a secret? The very first time I had KFC I swooned it was do delicious. I am not joking. You know I am a foodie. Gosh that was way back long ago when my son was a toddler. I still remember the exquisite taste. I like the original best. We tried the extra crispy and there is less flavor. Thank you for the clarification and detail. I forgive you for deep-frying. If ya gotta then you are doing it the healthy way! KUDOS! :)
      October 30, 2019 5:57 AM MDT

  • 35005
    Lol. Not not KFC. 

    It is in most grocery stores. I also add some of my own seasonings. 
      October 30, 2019 6:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I've never seen that in the market m2c but then I haven't looked either. I will. It may be unique to your part of the country though. So it's very tasty then? I wonder why couldn't I dredge the chicken in it and then just pan-fry it? Assuming I can find it. I mean sometimes I coat what I cook with flour. I do that with boneless pork chops and I've done it with chicken. So why not a seasoned mix? I put it on the marketing list for tomorrow. I will let you know if they have it. Thanks sweetie! :)
      October 30, 2019 6:29 AM MDT