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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A VERY DANGEROUS IDEA fraught with potential peril. On the other hand it could be tons of fun. WHAT?

A VERY DANGEROUS IDEA fraught with potential peril. On the other hand it could be tons of fun. WHAT?

Renaming one another. Like for instance m2c is always investigating answers and questions so she might use the moniker SLEUTH. I'd like to rename Spunky to Sparkly but of course it would have to be with her permission. What do you think? Can we be trusted to do that? Set aside differences and just go for fun without being insulting or hurtful or PARTISAN? I'm listening.

Posted - November 3, 2019


  • 46117
    Sigh.  I rename myself whenever possible. I don't need to count on anyone to control that.  

    Name away.  You can call me snarky and all kinds of ill-mannered monikers that will be no worse than what I call myself.

    I call you friendly and trusting and very loquacious and it works just fine for me.

      November 3, 2019 9:29 AM MST