Discussion » Questions » Recreation » Would anybody like to hunting for pink rabbits with me?

Would anybody like to hunting for pink rabbits with me?


Posted - September 14, 2016


  • "DUDE!!"

      August 23, 2017 12:55 AM MDT

  • 23659

    Yeah, I found him at the same parade I was at - - 

    Image result for man in a pink bunny costume
      October 23, 2019 9:38 PM MDT

  • 44654
    I have no effing clue why I wrote this question 3 years ago. Too many cocktails, I guess.
      October 24, 2019 7:07 AM MDT

  • 23659
    It's all good.
      October 24, 2019 7:42 AM MDT

  • 1893
    Correct your questions to
    1.  to go Hunting
    2   or to Hunt

    Now pink rabbits please, I prefer the ones at the Meat Counter.  No worries about disease
      October 25, 2019 1:14 PM MDT

  • 16
    Only if the intention is to catch them & keep them for pets ... but be warned; I'll NEVER tolerate dyeing rabbit's fur pink (not even with food-colouring)! If we could find a rabbit with naturally-born pink fur, though; that would be totally awesome! LOL. By the way; I deeply despise the mere mention of rabbits being used as a source of food & I would sooner starve to death with a live bunny for company before committing "bunnycide"! One thing I've learned over time; some people are dog people, others are cat people ... I'm one of the rabbit people (& quite accidentally TBH)! I recall I used to want my own dog/puppy for years, but never did get any pet other than the odd goldfish or one time when I had zebra-finches (the latter of which I wasn't able to care for before long ... mostly because I was struggling with huge problems at school & I didn't yet feel responsible enough to care for them; so I decided to do the right thing & give them to someone who I knew would take proper care of them). It was my 30th birthday before my mum decided to meet my wish for a dog/puppy halfway & got me a Dwarf Hotot rabbit; which is the best thing that ever happened to me. Sadly, I only got to spend 7-8 months with my sweet boy "Tardis", as he became ill with GI stasis & had to be put to sleep (he was just 10 months & 24 days old). I haven't yet been able to get another rabbit to replace him & I miss him so much that it hurts deeply, but I hope to get another someday (who knows when I'll be able to get another one, though ... it's kinda complicated TBH). I probably could get a dog, but now I'd much prefer another rabbit; so it has definitely changed me! In case you're wondering what my baby Dwarf Hotot "Tardis" looked like, I've used his photo for my avatar/profile pic. Of course, he was so much sweeter than he looks... =o) This post was edited by AspieGirl88 at November 17, 2019 7:07 PM MST
      November 17, 2019 11:10 AM MST

  • 13277
    to hunting to go hunting
      November 17, 2019 11:17 AM MST